Below is a list of all the procedures and example programs available on our website (excluding the Textbook Examples).
File Name | Description | ||||||||
ablags.src | ABLags generates a VECT[SERIES] with the expanded panel data instruments for doing Arellano-Bond instrumental variables estimation. Arellano, M. and S. Bond (1991). "Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations.” Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 58, 277-297. See also arellano.rpf.
| ||||||||
acf.src | ACF performs an autocorrelation analysis on a series. This is a simpler routine than the related BJIDENT and REGCORRS procedures.
| ||||||||
acf2pacf.src | This computes a series of partial autocorrelations from a series of autocorrelations.
| ||||||||
acfmorin.src | Takes as input a set of AR and MA coefficients, and generates the corresponding theoretical autocorrelations. Updated November 10, 1997, it can now produce autocovariances as well, and allows skipping beginning and ending items in the input vector. (Note: This procedure file was renamed from ACF.SRC to ACFMORIN.SRC in July, 2005 to avoid confusion with a newer ACF.SRC written by Estima and included with RATS starting with Version 6.10)
| ||||||||
adaptive.rpf | Demonstrates adaptive kernel estimation: a two-step procedure for adjusting the estimates of a linear model based upon the an estimated density for the residuals. Uses the DENSITY instruction for computing the density and MCOV instruction for computing the adjustment matrices.
| ||||||||
adfautoselect.src | This selects the optimal lag length for an ADF unit root test (it does not do the UR test itself--see the Unit Root section for testing proceudres). This uses features of RATS 6.0 to report the results in a convenient format. It is largely based on a procedure found in Norman Morin's URADF.SRC file. Note: The filename was renamed from ADFAUTO.SRC (to match the name of the procedure itself) in August, 2005.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Aruoba, Diebold and Scotti(2009), "Real-Time
Measurement of Business Conditions," Journal of Business and Economic
Statistics, vol 27, no 4, 417-427.
| ||||||||
adtest.src | This implements the Anderson-Darling test for normality.
| ||||||||
agfractd.src | Estimates the fractional difference power for a series using the bias-reduced technique from Andrews and Guggenberger(2003), "A Biased-Reduced Log-periodogram Regression Estimator for the Long-Memory Parameter", Econometrica, vol 71, no. 2, 675-712.
| ||||||||
akaike.rpf | Calculates and displays Akaike Information Criteria and Schwarz Bayesian Criteria for distributed lag models.
| ||||||||
apbreaktest.src | Andrews-Ploberger, Andrews-Quandt tests for structural break in a linear regression using Hansen's p-values. Andrews, Donald W. K. and Werner Ploberger, "Optimal Tests When a Nuisance Parameter is Present Only Under the Alternative", Econometrica, 1994.
| ||||||||
apgradienttest.src |
Andrews-Ploberger, Andrews-Quandt tests for structural break in a general maximum likelihood.
| ||||||||
ar1.rpf | Estimates a linear regression model with AR1 errors using a variety of techniques (Cochrane-Orcutt, Hildreth-Lu, maximum likelihood).
| ||||||||
arautolags.src | Computes an information criterion for various lags of AR processes using the Burg or Yule estimates of the partial autocorrelations. Identifies the best choice for the given criterion.
| ||||||||
archtest.src | Tests for ARCH effects in a series. Can do a single test for a set number of lags, or a sequence with different numbers of lags.
| ||||||||
arellano.rpf | Estimates a dynamic panel data model using Arellano-Bond GMM estimation. Arellano, M. and S. Bond (1991). "Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations.” Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 58, pp. 277-297. See also ablags.src
| |||||||| | Replication file for Arellano and Bond(1991), "Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations", Review of Economic Studies, vol 58, no. 2, 277-97.
| ||||||||
arfsim.src | Procedure for generating true simulations from ARFIMA(0,d,0) using the Davies and Harte Method. Written by Rob Schoen. You can download the Zipped file ARFSIM.ZIP which includes the ARFIMA simulation procedure, a required Gamma function procedure, and a short example progra, or download the individual text files: ARFSIM.SRC, XGAMMA.SRC, and ARFSIM.RPF (example program).
| ||||||||
argarchsim.rpf | Demonstrates simulation of a univariate (conditionally Normal) AR(1)-GARCH(1,1) model
| ||||||||
arima.rpf | Estimates, tests and forecasts ARIMA models. Demonstrates the BOXJENK and UFORECAST instructions, BJTRANS, BJIDENT, BJAUTOFIT and REGCORRS procedures.
| ||||||||
armadlm.src |
Sets up the transition equation matrices for a state-space representation
of an ARMA mode. The procedure takes an input ARMA equation you supply and
sets up appropriate "A" and "SW" matrices.
| ||||||||
armagibbs.rpf | Example of analysis of an ARMA model using Gibbs sampling (Independence Chain Monte Carlo).
| ||||||||
armaspectrum.src | This produces a graph of the spectral density for an input ARMA model, where the model is in the form of an equation. (Renamed and revised from the older ARMASPEC.SRC file).
| ||||||||
autobox.rpf | Uses @BJDIFF and @GMAUTOFIT to do an automated choice for the differencing and seasonal ARIMA specification for a series, then uses BOXJENK to estimate the chosen model, allowing for automated outlier detection.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Bai, Lumsdaine and Stock(1998),
"Testing For and Dating Common Breaks in Multivariate Time Series",
Review of Economic Studies, vol 65, no 3, 395-432
| |||||||| | Replication file for empirical examples from Bai & Perron(2003), "Computation and analysis of multiple structural change models," Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol. 18, no. 1, pages 1-22.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Baillie and Bollerslev, "The Message in Daily Exchange Rates: A Conditional Variance Tale", JBES 1989, vol 7, pp 297-305 which estimates univariate GARCH models with day-of-the-week effects.
| |||||||| |
Replication of Baillie, Bollerslev and Mikkelson(1996),
"Fractionally Integrated Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity",
Journal of Econometrics, vol 74, pp 3-30.
| ||||||||
baing.src | Estimates the required number of factors in a linear factor model using the formulas in Bai and Ng(2002), "Determining the Number of Factors in Approximate Factor Models", Econometrica, vol 70, 191-222.
| ||||||||
baiperron.src | This does multiple structural change analysis as described in Bai and Perron (2003), "Computation and Analysis of Multiple Structural Change Models", Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol. 18, 1-22.
| |||||||| | Replication of Balcilar, Gupta, Miller(2015), "Regime switching model of US crude oil and stock market prices: 1859 to 2013", Energy Economics, vol 49, 317-327. Analysis of a Markov Switching Vector Error Correction Model (MSVECM).
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Balke(2000),
"Credit and Economic Activity: Credit Regimes and Nonlinear Propagation of Shocks,"
Review of Economics and Statistics, vol 82, 344-349.
| |||||||| | Replication of Balke and Fomby(1997), "Threshold Cointegration," International Economic Review, vol 38, no 3, 627-45.
| ||||||||
basicforecast.rpf | Example of simple forecast procedures.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Bauwens and Laurent(2005), "A New Class of Multivariate Skew Densities, With Application to Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity Models," JBES, vol 23, 346-354.
| ||||||||
bayestst.src | Tests series for a unit root using the Bayesian procedure outlined in C. Sims, "Bayesian Skepticism on Unit Root Econometrics", J. of Economic Dynamics and Control, 1988 no. 2/3.
| |||||||| | Replication for Bernanke, Boivin & Eliasz (2005), "Measuring the Effects of Monetary Policy: A Factor-augmented Vector Autoregressive (FAVAR) Approach," The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 120(1), pages 387-422.
| ||||||||
bdindtests.src | Performs the battery of independence tests used extensively in Brockwell and Davis (2002), "Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting" 2nd ed, Springer.
| ||||||||
bdstest.src | Computes the Brock, Dechert, & Scheinkman Test (BDS) test for i.i.d., "A test of independence based on the correlation dimension" (working paper title). Included in Brock, Hsieh and LeBaron, "Nonlinear Dynamics,Chaos,and Instability", MIT Press, 1993, Chap. 2.
| |||||||| |
Replication files for Bernanke & Mihov(1998), "Measuring Monetary Policy", QJE, vol 113, no 3, 869-902
(monthly data calculations).
| ||||||||
betaparms.src | Returns a 2-vector with the two parameters for a Beta distribution with the given mean and standard deviation
| ||||||||
betas.rpf | Estimates beta coefficients for a large number of stocks. Demonstrates use of looping instructions.
| ||||||||
bicorrtest.src | Computes the "C" and "H" portmanteau statistics for autocorrelation and third order dependence, from Hinich, M. (1996). "Testing for dependence in the input to a linear time series model." Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 6, 205-221.
| ||||||||
bif.src | Given unusual events that do not fit adequately into a specified model and that manifiest themselves as high leverage points or as outliers, BIF implements the Bounded Influence Function Regression, a robust estimation proposed by Krasker, Ku, and Welsch (1983). This method downweights the influence of potentially influential observations avoiding relatively large contribution to the values of the estimates.
| ||||||||
bivariatehp.rpf | Example of a bivariate HP filter.
| ||||||||
bjautofit.src | BJAutofit chooses the minimum AICC or BIC model for the dependent variable. It uses maximum likelihood estimation to ensure that the estimates are done over a consistent time interval.
| ||||||||
bjdiff.src | Generates a table of Schwarz criteria for various combinations of differencings and mean extractions, as a preliminary step in Box-Jenkins modeling.
| ||||||||
bjest.src | Updated version of BJEST procedure included with RATS (for estimating ARIMA models). This version features more options and improved graphics.
| ||||||||
bjfore.src | Estimates and forecasts an ARIMA model
| ||||||||
bjident.src | Computes and graphs autocorrelations and partial autocorrelations of a series and its differences to aid in choosing an ARIMA model
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Bjørnland, Hilde C. and Kai Leitemo (2009),
"Identifying the Interdependence between US Monetary Policy and the Stock Market".
Journal of Monetary Economics, vol 56, pp 275-282.
| ||||||||
bjtheil.src | This computes Theil U statistics for a Box-Jenkins ARIMA model.
| ||||||||
bjtrans.src | This does offset graphs of the levels, square root and log of an input series to help determine which preliminary transformation is appropriate.
| ||||||||
bkfilter.src | Implements a band pass filter on a series using the methods of Baxter and King (1999) "Measuring business cycles: Approximate band-pass filters for economic time series", Review of Economics and Statistics, vol 81, no. 4, 575-593. Revised and updated by Estima, and renamed as BKFILTER (to avoid confusion with other band pass filtering procedures).
| |||||||| | Replication for Blanchard and Quah(1989), "The Dynamic Effects of Aggregate Demand and Supply Disturbances", AER, vol 79, no. 4, pp 655-673. Demonstrates several topics in VAR's: historical decomposition, recovery of structural shocks, long-run restrictions.
| ||||||||
blockboot.src | BlockBoot is an alternative to the BOOT instruction which does block draws. You use the output "boot" SERIES[INTEGERS] to do the resampling that you require. The BOOT instruction in RATS version 6.30 and later includes options for doing the same thing (and more).
| ||||||||
blsunit1.src | Recursive minimum unit root test. Banerjee, Lumsdaine and Stock(1992), "Recursive and sequential tests of the unit-root and trend-break hypothesis: theory and international evidence", JBES, vol. 10, 271-287.
| ||||||||
blsunit2.src | Rolling minimum unit root test. Based largely on a 1992 paper by Banerjee, Lumsdaine, and Stock.
| ||||||||
blsunit3.src | Sequential minimum unit root test. Based largely on a 1992 paper by Banerjee, Lumsdaine, and Stock.
| ||||||||
bndecomp.src |
Performs the Beveridge-Nelson decomposition on a single series.
(See MVBNDECOMP.SRC for multivariate decomposition).
| |||||||| |
Replication file for
Bollerslev and Mikkelson(1996),
"Modeling and pricing long memory in stock market volatility",
Journal of Econometrics, vol 73, pp 151-184.
| ||||||||
bonds.rpf | Estimates a term structure from a set of bond yields. Demonstrates estimation with a function which can't be written in closed form.
| ||||||||
bondspline.rpf | Estimates a yield curve using a cubic spline approximation to the discount function, as described in McCulloch(1971), "Measuring the Term Structure of Interest Rates", Journal of Business, vol 44, pp 19-31.
| ||||||||
bootarma.rpf |
Demonstrates bootstrapping of an ARMA Model.
| ||||||||
bootarmodel.rpf | Example of parametric bootstrap of univariate autoregression
| ||||||||
bootcointegration.rpf | Example of bootstrapping an FMOLS estimate of cointegrating vectors. Based upon the technique described in Li and Maddala, "Bootstrapping cointegrating regressions", J. of Econometrics 80 (1997) pp 297-318
| ||||||||
bootfgls.rpf | Example of bootstrapping linear model with estimated heteroscedasticity correction.
| ||||||||
boots.src | Used with MODES.SRC, this bootstraps series and tests against an alternative number of modes. Requires MBKERNEL.SRC (a stripped-down version of the KERNEL.SRC procedure). Also available are MBDEMO.PRG and GDPQ.RAT, a sample program and data file. Or download MODES.ZIP which contains all of the above.
| ||||||||
bootsimple.rpf | Tests the mean of a sample using bootstrapping. Demonstrates the BOOT instruction.
| ||||||||
bootspectrum.rpf | Example of bootstrapping a spectral density. Algorithm from Franke and Hardle(1992) "On Bootstrapping Kernel Spectral Estimates", Annals of Statistics, vol. 20, no 1, 121-145.
| ||||||||
bootvar.rpf | Example of bootstrapping a simple VAR to get error bands on the impulse responses.
| ||||||||
bootvecm.rpf | Does a parametric bootstrap (to get error bands for an IRF) of a VECM with known cointegrating vector.
| ||||||||
boxcox.rpf | Shows several methods for estimating a Box-Cox model by maximum likelihood. Demonstrates MAXIMIZE, NLLS with the JACOBIAN option and a grid search using FIND.
| ||||||||
bppaneltests.src | Tests the residuals from a least squares regression for presence of random effects using variants of the Breusch-Pagan LM test. It produces the standard BP test (which has chi-squared asymptotics), the Honda one-sided form (which has N(0,1) asymptotics) and the SLM (standardized Lagrange Multiplier) which is similar to the Honda test but uses small-sample corrections for the mean and standard deviation.
| ||||||||
bqdodraws.src |
Alternate to MCVARDoDraws which does Monte Carlo draws for a 2-variable BQ factorization.
| ||||||||
breitung.src | Implements panel unit root tests from Breitung(2000), "The local power of some unit root tests for panel data", from Baltagi, Fomby, Hill (eds), "Nonstationary Panels, Panel Cointegration, and Dynamic Panels (Advances in Econometrics, Volume 15)", Emerald Group Publishing, pp.161-177
| ||||||||
bryboschan.src |
Implements the Bry-Boschan (NBER) Business Cycle Dating Algorithm.
Can be applied to either monthly data (Bry-Boschan) or quarterly data(Pagan-Harding).
| ||||||||
bsoption.src | BSOPTION computes the value of an option using the Black-Scholes formula. See e.g. Campbell, Lo and MacKinlay, "The Econometrics of Financial Markets", Princeton University Press, 1997. This is the same procedure file that is included with RATS. Revised in March, 2007, to use options, rather than a list of parameters.
| |||||||| | Replication of Burnside(1994), "Hansen-Jagannathan Bounds as Classical Tests of Asset-Pricing Models," Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, vol. 12, no 1, pages 57-79.
| ||||||||
bvarbuildprior.src | Builds a prior for an equation in a BVAR one element at a time. Each element is independent of the others and Normally distributed.
| ||||||||
bvarbuildpriormn.src | Uses repeated calls to @BVARBuildPrior to builds a "Minnesota" prior for a VAR model.
| ||||||||
cagan.rpf | Estimates a dynamic model using the combination of DSGE and DLM. RATS Version 8, User's Guide, Example 10.4.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Camacho(2011), "Markov-switching models and the unit root hypothesis in real U.S. GDP", Economics Letters, vol. 112, 161-164
| |||||||| | Replication for Campbell and Ammer(1993), "What Moves the Stock and Bond Markets? A Variance Decomposition for Long-Term Asset Returns", J of Finance, vol 48, pp 3-37.
| ||||||||
cancorr.src | Computes the canonical correlations and related statistics for two sets of series, possibly conditioning on the third set.
| ||||||||
canmodel.rpf | Demonstrates process for selecting the prior in a Bayesian VAR. Example of the SPECIFY instruction in SYSTEM definition, including standard symmetric priors and a general prior.
| |||||||| | Example of two-step estimates of various DCC models. This is the technique described in Cappiello, Engle & Sheppard(2006), "Asymmetric Dynamics in the Correlations of Global Equity and Bond Returns," Journal of Financial Econometrics, vol. 4, no 4, pages 537-572 applied to a different data set.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Kai Carstenson(2006), "Stock Market Downswing and the Stability of European Monetary Union Money Demand", JBES, vol 24, number 4, pp 395-402. Includes procedure and data files. Demonstrates FM OLS techniques and a Hansen stability test.
| ||||||||
casskoopmans.rpf |
Solves the Cass-Koopmans growth model.
| ||||||||
causal.rpf | Demonstrates several forms of bivariate causality tests, including the standard lag exclusion Granger method, Sims and Geweke-Meese-Dent versions of the distributed lag method.
| |||||||| |
Replication files for Cecchetti and Rich(2001),
"Structural Estimates of the U.S. Sacrifice Ratio," JBES, vol. 19, no 4, 416-427.
| ||||||||
cfeat.src | Program for the determination of the turning points of the time series, calculation of the duration and amplitude of the expansions and recessions. The expansion (recession) is defined as a timespan between a cyclical trough (peak) and peak (trough). The amplitude hence is the absolute distance between trough (peak) and peak (trough).
| ||||||||
cffilter.src | This implements a generalized version of the Baxter-King bandpass filter developed by Christiano and Fitzgerald(2003), "The Band Pass Filter", International Economic Review, vol. 44, no. 2, 435-465. (Renamed from BPASS.SRC in July, 2005, to avoid confusion with other band pass filter procedures).
| ||||||||
chankarolyi.rpf |
Example of GMM with multiple conditions using NLSYSTEM.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Chan and Maheu(2002), "Conditional Jump Dynamics in Stock Market Returns", JBES, vol 20, no. 3, 377-389. This does constant and time-varying intensity (ARJI) models.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Felix Chan & Michael McAleer(2003), "Estimating smooth transition autoregressive models with GARCH errors in the presence of extreme observations and outliers," Applied Financial Economics, vol. 13, no 8, 581-592.
| ||||||||
chow1.rpf | Demonstrates several ways to compute a "Chow" test for structural break at a known point with two or more samples. Shows the use of multiple LINREG's for the split samples, and also the use of the SWEEP instruction with GROUP for more complicated sample splits.
| ||||||||
chow2.rpf | This demonstrates a "Chow" tests for sample split at a known location using a single regression with variables dummied out over the interval.
| ||||||||
chowdenning.src | Computes the multiple variance ratio statistic from Chow, K.V. and Denning, K. (1993) "A simple multiple variance ratio test", Journal of Econometrics, 58, 385-401
| ||||||||
chowlin.src |
ChowLin distributes a series, changing the frequency to a higher one while
maintaining the sum over each period, using the Chow-Lin(1971) or related procedure.
The newer procedure disaggregate.src is a better
| ||||||||
chowtest.rpf | Example of Chow tests in linear model
| |||||||| |
Replication files for Chan, Karolyi, Longstaff and Sanders(1992),
"A Empirical Comparison of Models of the Short-Term Interest Rate" Journal of
Finance, vol 47, no 3, 1209-1227.
| ||||||||
clarkforetest.src | This procedure calculates Clark and McCracken's MSE-t, MSE-F, ENC-t, and ENC-F forecast performance tests. (Clark and McCracken, 2001 and McCracken, 2004). Additional documentation is available in the file CLARKFORETESTDOC.PDF
| ||||||||
classicaldecomp.src | Does a classical decomposition of a series into trend-cycle, seasonal and irregular components. The seasonals are assumed to be constant across the data range.
| ||||||||
cochran2.src | Procedures for computing various measures of persistence proposed by Cochrane in his 1988 JPE article.
| ||||||||
cochrane.src | Procedures for computing various measures of persistence proposed by Cochrane(1988), "How Big is the Random Walk in GNP?", JPE, vol 96, 893-920.
| ||||||||
cointpo.src | Computes Phillips-Ouliaris multivariate cointegration statistic.
| ||||||||
cointtst.rpf | Demonstrates several types of tests for cointegration. 1. Dickey-Fuller (using DFUNIT.SRC) test on a (hypothesized) cointegrating vector. 2. Engle-Granger test (using EGTEST.SRC) with an estimated cointegrating vector. 3. Johansen LR test (using JOHMLE.SRC)
| ||||||||
condition.rpf | Example of conditional forecasting and simulation in a VAR
| ||||||||
condition.src | Updated version of the conditional forecasting procedure that has been included with RATS for many years (see Section 10.14 of the RATS 6 User's Guide). This version allows more general linear constraints on the values of future endogenous variables.
| ||||||||
constant.rpf | Demonstrates a variety of tests for parameter constancy in a linear regression. 1. Does a Hansen/Nyblom fluctuations test, using the STABTEST.SRC procedure. 2. Does a Chow predictive test 3. A CUSUM test using the RLS instruction. 4. Sequential F-tests displayed graphically.
| ||||||||
consumer.rpf | Estimates a consumer demand model using non-linear systems estimation (NLSYSTEM instruction). Demonstrates the use of named PARMSETS created with NONLIN, "adding" them to impose restrictions on the model's parameters.
| ||||||||
copula.rpf | Demonstrates use of a copula as an alternative to a multivariate GARCH model
| ||||||||
corrado.src | Computes the non-parametric test statistic from Corrado (1989), "A Non-Parametric Test for Abnormal Security-Price Performance in Event Studies. Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 23, 385-395.
| ||||||||
corrintegral.src | Computes a correlation integral for a series.
| ||||||||
crosscorr.src | CrossCorr computes and graphs cross correlations of two series, presenting the information as a 2x2 matrix of graphs, with the autocorrelations of the two series, lag and lead cross correlations in separate graphs. (File was renamed from CROSSCOR.SRC in July, 2005)
| ||||||||
crosspec.src | Computes and optionally graphs the estimated coherence, phase and gain of a pair of series.
| ||||||||
cseriessymm.src | Symmetrizes the complex series cs
| ||||||||
cumpdgm.rpf | Demonstrates use of the CUMPDGM.SRC procedure for the Durbin cumulated periodogram test for white noise.
| ||||||||
cumpdgm.src | Performs a Durbin's Cumulated Periodogram for serial correlation. Durbin(1969), "Tests for Serial Correlation in Regression Analysis Based on the Periodogram of Least Squares Residuals", Biometrika, 1-16.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Cushman and Zha(1997),
"Identifying monetary policy in a small open economy under flexible exchange rates,"
Journal of Monetary Economics, vol 39, no 3, 433-448.
| ||||||||
cusumtests.src |
Performs CUSUM and CUSUMQ tests of the input series, which should be a
series of recursive residuals.
| ||||||||
cvmodel.rpf | Demonstrates the use of the CVMODEL instruction for estimating structural VAR's.
| ||||||||
cvstabtest.src | Performs the special case of the Nyblom test for the case of a complete covariance matrix. Note that while this should have the correct asymptotic distribution under the null (under fairly typical assumptions in addition to stability), the argument for it being UMP against an alternative of martingale behavior won't hold because the covariance matrix is constrained to be positive definite.
| ||||||||
cxlogdensity.src | This is a generalization of 0gDensity to complex matrices for use in multivariate Whittle likelihood estimation. It computes the frequency-by-frequency log likelihood. Use %CXLogDensityCV for the concentrated Whittle log likelihood.
| ||||||||
cxlogdensitycv.src | This is a generalization of 0gDensityCV to complex matrices for use in multivariate Whittle likelihood estimation. This computes the concentrated log likelihood. Use %CXLogDensity for the frequency-by-frequency log likelihood.
| |||||||| | Replication of Wouter J. den Haan(2000), "The comovement between output and prices," Journal of Monetary Economics, vol 46, no 1, 3-30.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Dennis(2007), "Optimal Policy in Rational
Expectations Models: New Solution Algorithms", Macroeconomic Dynamics,
vol 11, 31-55.
| ||||||||
density.src | A procedure for computing the non-parametric density function of a series using a standard normal kernel. Superseded by the introduction of the built-in DENSITY command in RATS Version 5.0, but useful for users with older versions.
| ||||||||
denton.src | Implements the proportional Denton method of benchmarking, distributing the sum from a low frequency series based upon the period-to-period rates of change of a (single) higher frequency series. This is designed to be used when the two series are closely related, with the more frequent series being a noisier measure of the less frequent one. The newer procedure disaggregate.src does the same calculation and more.
| ||||||||
dfsetup.src |
Procedure files for implementing the approximating filter for MS-GARCH models from
Dueker(1997), "Markov Switching in GARCH Processes and Mean-Reverting Stock-Market Volatility,"
J of Business & Economic Statistics, vol. 15, no 1, 26-34.
| ||||||||
dfunit.src | Procedure for computing (augmented) Dickey-Fuller Unit Root tests. Dickey and Fuller(1979), "Distribution of the Estimators for Time Series Regressions with a Unit Root", J.A.S.A., 427-431.
| |||||||| |
Replication files for Diebold and Yilmaz(2009), "Measuring Financial Asset
Return and Volatility Spillovers, with Application to Global Equity Markets,"
Economic Journal, vol. 119, no. 534, 158-171.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Diebold and Yilmaz(2012), "Better to give than to receive: Predictive directional measurement of volatility spillovers," International Journal of Forecasting, vol. 28, no 1, 57-66.
| ||||||||
digamma.src | Computes DiGamma and TriGamma functions, which are the first and second derivatives of the log gamma function. Built-in functions for computing these (0IGAMMA and %TRIGAMMA) are now available in RATS beginning with version 6.02.
| ||||||||
disaggregate.src | Does a temporal disaggregation of a series, changing the frequency to a higher one while maintaining the sum, average or final value over each period of the levels. This can handle a variety of models both for the noise term and linear, log-linear and multiplicative relationships. It does the work previously handled by the CHOWLIN, INTERPOL and DISTRIB procedures.
| ||||||||
distrib.src | DISTRIB computes a distribution of a series, changing the frequency to a higher one while maintaining the sum each original period, e.g. producing a monthly "GNP" estimate from quarterly GNP. The newer procedure DISAGGREGATE.SRC can do the same calculation and quite a bit more.
| ||||||||
distriblag.rpf |
Demonstrates various techniques for estimating distributed lags.
| ||||||||
divisia.src | Computes a Divisia index.
| ||||||||
dlmcycle.rpf | Estimation of a state-space model with a common growth cycle
| ||||||||
dlmexam1.rpf | Example of Kalman smoothing in a simple state-space model.
| ||||||||
dlmexam2.rpf | Example of Kalman filtering and out-of-sample forecasting in a simple state-space model.
| ||||||||
dlmexam3.rpf | Example of unconditional simulation in a simple state-space model.
| ||||||||
dlmexam4.rpf | Example of conditional simulation for a simple state-space model.
| ||||||||
dlmgls.src | Estimates a linear regression by GLS, where the error process is described by a state space model, like those used by the RATS instruction DLM.
| ||||||||
dlmirf.src | Computes and graphs impulse responses and error decompositions for the states in a state space model. The transition equation takes the form Y(t)=AY(t-1)+Fw(t) where F is an nxp matrix, where p is the number of fundamental shocks. The covariance matrix of w is assumed to be the identity.
| ||||||||
dlmirfexample.rpf | Example of the use of the @DLMIRF procedure for doing impulse responses in a state-space model.
| ||||||||
dmariano.src |
Computes Diebold-Mariano Forecast Comparison test, or, optionally, the Modified Diebold-Mariano test.
| ||||||||
dols.src | Implements Stock and Watson's Dynamic OLS estimation of Cointegrating Vectors. We recommend that you download DOLS.ZIP a PK-Zip archive which includes the procedure, a read-me file, an example program and two datafiles. If you just want the procedure file, download DOLS.SRC.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Diebold, Rudebusch & Aruoba (2006), "The macroeconomy and the yield curve: a dynamic latent factor approach," Journal of Econometrics, vol. 131(1-2), pages 309-338.
| ||||||||
dsgecontrol.src | Procedure for doing optimal control on a linear rational expectations model. Algorithm from Dennis(2007), "Optimal Policy in Rational Expectations Models: New Solution Algorithms", Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol 11, 31-55.
| ||||||||
dsgehistory.rpf | Example of computation of the historical decomposition for a DSGE model.
| ||||||||
dsgekpr.rpf |
Example of solution of a non-linear DSGE model
| ||||||||
dsgetool.src | Computes the solution to a linear rational expectations model input in the canonical form given in Sims, "Solving Linear Rational Expectations Models", Computational Economics, October, 2002.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Dueker(1997),
"Markov Switching in GARCH Processes and Mean-Reverting Stock-Market Volatility,"
J of Business & Economic Statistics, vol. 15, no 1, 26-34.
| |||||||| |
A rough implementation of Dueker (2005),
"Dynamic Forecasts of Qualitative Variables: A Qual VAR Model of U.S. Recessions",
JBES, vol 23, no 1, 96-104, which estimates a VAR with a "probit" equation using Gibbs sampling.
| ||||||||
durbinlevinson.src | Uses the Durbin-Levinson recursion to estimate the coefficients in a sequence of autoregressive representations for a stationary series.
| ||||||||
eba.src | Performs the calculations from Granger and Uhlig(1990), "Reasonable Extreme Bounds Analysis", J. of Econometrics, vol. 44, 159-170.
| ||||||||
ect.rpf | Demonstrates estimation of a vector error correction model. This uses the JOHMLE procedure to estimate the cointegrating vector, then imposes the error correction form using the ECT instruction.
| ||||||||
egarchbootstrap.rpf | Example of bootstrapping an EGARCH model (for forecasting variance out-of-sample)
| ||||||||
egarchsimulate.rpf | Example of simulation of an EGARCH model (for forecasting variance out-of-sample)
| ||||||||
egcrtval.src | Computes 'exact' critical values for the Dickey-Fuller and the Engle-Granger cointegration tests from the response surface regression in MacKinnon (1991).
| ||||||||
egtest.src | Computes an Engle-Granger test for cointegration. The (approximate) critical values for t-test form are from MacKinnon, "Critical Values for Cointegration Tests", Long-Run Economic Relationships, R.F. Engle and C.W.J. Granger, eds, London, Oxford, 1991, pp 267-276. Use the related procedure EGTESTRESIDS if you already have the residuals.
| ||||||||
egtestresids.src | Computes an Engle-Granger test for cointegration using the residuals from a previous first-stage regression, producing MacKinnon critical values. Use the related procedure EGTEST instead if you need to do the first stage regression as well.
| ||||||||
ehljme2000.rpf | Model specification for Erceg, Henderson & Levin(2000), "Optimal monetary policy with staggered wage and price contracts," Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 46, no 2, 281-313.
| |||||||| |
Replicates results from Ehrmann, Ellison, Valla (2003),
"Regime-dependent impulse response functions in a Markov-switching vector autoregression model",
Economics Letters, Vol. 78, pp. 295-299.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Elder and Serletis(2010), "Oil Price Uncertainty", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 42, No. 6, 1137-1159.
| ||||||||
elfcalc.src | Computes the empirical likelihood for a set of moment conditions.
| ||||||||
emexample.rpf |
| |||||||| | Replication file for Enders and Siklos(2001), "Cointegration and Threshold Adjustment," JBES, vol. 19, no. 2, 166-76.
| ||||||||
endersgranger.src |
Procedure for the threshold unit root tests in
| |||||||| | Replicates Enders and Granger(1998), "Unit-Root Tests and Asymmetric Adjustment with an Example Using the Term Structure of Interest Rates", JBES, vol 16, 304-11. The technical details of the program are described on pages 128 - 132 of Enders' "RATS Progamming Manual".
| ||||||||
enderssiklos.src |
Does various types of the unit root regressions with threshold breaks
on the residuals from an Engle-Granger cointegrating regression.
| ||||||||
eqntoacf.src | Creates from the ARMA model given by an equation the theoretical autocovariance function
| ||||||||
erstest.src | This implements the DFGLS, PT, DFGLSu and QT tests for unit roots due to Elliott, Rothenberg and Stock(1996), "Efficient Tests for an Autoregressive Unit Root", Econometrica, vol 64, no. 4, 813-836 and Elliott(1999), "Efficient Tests for a Unit Root When the Initial Observation is Drawn from its Unconditional Distribution", International Economic Review, vol 40, 767-783.
| ||||||||
exactinverse.src |
Computes the exact (limit) inverse of A + kB as k-->infinity, for
p.s.d. symmetric matrices A and B. This is a matrix of the form C +
k^-1 D.
| ||||||||
ExampleFive.rpf | Introductory example #5 (linear regression with hypothesis tests).
| ||||||||
ExampleFour.rpf | Introductory example #4 (basic forecasting)
| ||||||||
ExampleOne.rpf | Introductory example #1 (display instruction)
| ||||||||
ExampleSix.rpf | Introductory example #6 (non-linear least squares)
| ||||||||
ExampleThree.rpf | Introductory example #3 (linear regression)
| ||||||||
ExampleTwo.rpf | Introductory example #2 (data handling
| ||||||||
expsmooth1.rpf | Demonstrates forecasting using exponential smoothing with non-seasonal data. Uses the instruction ESMOOTH.
| ||||||||
expsmooth2.rpf | Demonstrates forecasting using exponential smoothing with seasonal data. Uses the instruction ESMOOTH.
| |||||||| |
Replication for Fabiani & Mestre(2004), "A system approach for
measuring the euro area NAIRU," Empirical Economics, vol. 29, no. 2,
pages 311-341.
| |||||||| |
| |||||||| |
Replication of Faust(1998),
"The Robustness of Identified VAR Conclusions About Money",
Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, vol 49, 207-244.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Faust and Leeper(1997), "When Do Long-Run Identifying
Restrictions Give Reliable Results", JBES, vol 15, no 3, pp 345-353.
| ||||||||
fif.src | Fractional Integration Filter procedure. This is now (v 6.10) available in RATS with the RATS DIFF instruction.
| |||||||| |
Example provided by Kim and Nelson of a Markov Switching model with time-varying transition probabilities (TVTP).
| ||||||||
flux.src | Computes the Nyblom fluctuations test on a set of series of scores. Computes both individual and joint test statistics. Nyblom(1989), "Testing for Constancy of Parameters Over Time", JASA, vol 84, 223-230.
| ||||||||
fm.src |
Estimates a cointegrating relation among the listed variables using
fully modified least squares. Minor update in April, 2007 to fix issue
with range used on final regression.
| ||||||||
fmols.src | Fully modified estimation of cointegrating regressions.
| ||||||||
forcedfactor.src | Computes a factorization of a covariance matrix which includes (scales of) specified columns in the factorization, or, optionally, a scale of specified rows in the inverse of the factorization. This allows you to either force an orthogonalized component to hit the variables in a specific pattern (done by setting a column of the factorization), or to force that an orthogonalized component be formed from a particular linear combination of innovations (forces a row in the inverse).
| ||||||||
fract.src | Computes a wider range of fractiles than the standard STATISTICS(fract) command in RATS.
| ||||||||
fractint.rpf | Demonstrates estimation of a fractionally differenced ARMA model (ARFIMA) using the Whittle likelihood.
| ||||||||
freqdeseason.rpf | Demonstrates frequency domain deseasonalization as described in Sims (reference??)
| |||||||| |
Example of calculation of Fry-Pagan (2011) median target estimator.
| ||||||||
gain.src | Computes and optionally graphs the estimated gain and phase of a pair of series.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Jordi Gali(1999), "Technology, Employment and the Business Cycle: Do Technology Shocks Explain Aggregate Fluctuations", American Economic Review, vol. 89, pp. 249-271.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Jordi Gali(1992), "How Well Does the IS-LM Model Fit Postwar U.S. Data", QJE, vol 107, no. 2, pp 709-738. Demonstrates VAR's with short and long run restrictions, particularly the instruction CVMODEL and the ShortandLong procedure.
| ||||||||
gammaparms.src | Returns a 2-vector with the two parameters for a Gamma distribution with the given mean and standard deviation. Note that the RATS functions 0ggammadensity(x,a,b) and %rangamma(a) use a parameterization in terms of shape and scale, not degrees of freedom and mean. This returns the a and b appropriate for use with those functions.
| ||||||||
garch.src | A menu-driven procedure for estimating univariate ARCH, GARCH, and related models with varying lag lengths. By Norman Morin. Version 6, posted on November 17, 1999, adds support for MA terms in the mean equation, and the procedure code itself is now significantly shorter than before. Download GARCH.SRC (which includes non-negativity constraints) or GARCHN.SRC (identical, but omits non-negativity constraints). Note: RATS now has a built-in GARCH instruction for handling most ARCH and GARCH models, so this procedure is largely obsolete.
| ||||||||
garchbacktest.rpf | Example of rolling estimates for a GARCH model (for doing VaR calculations).
| ||||||||
garchboot.rpf |
Example of bootstrapping with a univariate GARCH model, for calculating Value At Risk.
| ||||||||
garchdccforecast.rpf | Example of forecasting variance of a DCC GARCH Model
| ||||||||
garchdeco.rpf |
Example of estimation of a multivariate GARCH with DECO estimator.
| ||||||||
garchflux.rpf | Example of use of fluctuation test for GARCH model
| ||||||||
garchfore.src | GARCHFore computes out-of-sample variance forecasts for a standard univariate GARCH model, estimated using the GARCH instruction.
| ||||||||
garchgibbs.rpf |
Analysis of a univariate GARCH model using random walk Metropolis-Hastings.
| ||||||||
garchgirf.rpf | Example of variance GIRF from multivariate GARCH model.
| ||||||||
garchimport.rpf |
Example of Monte Carlo integration on a GARCH model using importance sampling.
| ||||||||
garchm_uv_dummy.rpf |
An example of univariate GARCH-M with dummy shift in the "M" effect and variance.
| ||||||||
garchmv.rpf | Multivariate GARCH examples. This program was originally written by Rob Trevor and discussed in May, 1994 issue of the RATSletter. It has since been updated by Estima to demonstrate newer aspects of the RATS code, and to include Engle's Dynamic Conditional Correlation (DCC) model. Note: RATS now has a built-in GARCH instruction for handling most ARCH and GARCH models, so the examples in this file are generally obsolete.
| ||||||||
garchmvbootstrap.rpf | Example of bootstrapping for MV GARCH models. This estimates quantiles on bootstrapped 10-day returns using two different MV GARCH models.
| ||||||||
garchmvdcc2.rpf |
Demonstrates multivariate GARCH with two-step DCC estimator.
| ||||||||
garchmvdccgibbs.rpf | Example of Gibbs sampling (using Independence Chain Metropolis) with DCC model
| ||||||||
garchmvmax.rpf | Example of estimation of a multivariate GARCH model using MAXIMIZE.
| ||||||||
garchmvsimulate.rpf | Example of simulation of a multivariate (DVECH) GARCH process
| ||||||||
garchn.src | Same as GARCH.SRC, but without non-negativity constraints.
| ||||||||
garchsemiparam.rpf | Estimation of univariate GARCH model with semi-parametric handling of the density of the error process. Partially described in RATS Version 8 User's Guide, section 13.1
| ||||||||
garchuv.rpf | Univariate GARCH examples. This program was originally written by Rob Trevor and discussed in May, 1994 issue of the RATSletter. Note: RATS now has a built-in GARCH instruction for handling most ARCH and GARCH models, so the examples in this file are generally obsolete.
| ||||||||
garchuvflex.rpf | Estimates univariate GARCH models with non-standard density functions using GARCH with the DENSITY option.
| ||||||||
garchuvmax.rpf | Examples of estimates of univariate GARCH models using MAXIMIZE.
| ||||||||
garchvirfdiag.rpf | Example of computing the Volatility Impulse Response (VIRF) for a GARCH model which doesn't have a "VECH" form, but only models the variances.
| ||||||||
gausshermite.src | GaussHermite returns the points at which f(x) needs to be evaluated and the corresponding weights for Gauss-Hermite numerical integration.
| ||||||||
gcontour.rpf | Demonstrates the GCONTOUR instruction for creating contour graphs.
| ||||||||
geddraw.src | Generates draws for a generalized error distribution by acceptance-rejection method. Revised in April, 2006, to add SHAPE option.
| ||||||||
gencombos.src | Systematically generates all combinations of k integers from the set {1,...,n}. All this procedure does is to generate them as the vector of integers "pick". If you need to do something more than this, insert the necessary code at the "disp pick" instruction.
| ||||||||
gibbs.rpf | Demonstrates Gibbs sampling for a linear regression model with a Normal-gamma prior. Uses DENSITY instruction to generate estimated density function for parameters.
| ||||||||
gibbsprobitdynamic.rpf | Demonstrates Gibbs sampling estimation of a dynamic "probit" model, where the latent index follows an AR(1) equation.
| ||||||||
gibbsvar.rpf | This is an example of the use of Gibbs sampling applied to a VAR with a standard Minnesota prior. Different priors can be handled by changing the way that bprior and hprior (the mean and precision of the prior) are created.
| ||||||||
gibbsvarbuild.rpf | Example of Gibbs sampling on a Bayesian VAR with a "Minnesota" prior using @BVARBuildPriorMN to create the matrices for the prior.
| ||||||||
gibbsvar.src | Uses Gibbs sampling to compute posterior distributions of the parameters of a VAR, along with forecasts. The model/estimator is the normal-diffuse of Kadiyala and Karlsson (1997), "Numerical Methods for Estimation and Inference in Bayesian VAR Models," Journal of Applied Econometrics, pp 99-132
| ||||||||
giv.rpf | Demonstrates generalized instrumental variables estimation. Uses the NLLS instruction with the INSTRUMENTS and OPTIMAL options.
| ||||||||
glsdetrend.src |
Local to unity GLS detrending routine. Includes the ERS cases (no constant,
constant, constant and trend) as well as the Perron and Rodriguez cases
(constant and trend with a single break). This just does the detrending, not the
actual unit root test(s).
| ||||||||
gmautofit.src | Does an automatic fit of a multiplicative seasonal ARMA model to a series following the procedure described in Gomez and Maravall, "Automatic Modeling Methods for Univariate Series", in Peña, Tiao and Tsay, eds., "A Course in Time Series Analysis", New York: Wiley, 2001.
| ||||||||
gnewbold.src |
Performs the Granger-Newbold forecast comparison test.
| |||||||| | Replication file for González-Rivera(1998), "Smooth-Transition GARCH Models," Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, vol. 3, no 2, 1-20.
| |||||||| | Replication of the interest rates example in Gonzalo and Granger(1995), "Estimation of common long memory components in cointegrated systems", JBES, vol 13, pp 27-36. Demonstrates the procedure johmle.src and the function %PERP.
| ||||||||
gph.src | Estimates fractional difference power for series using the frequency domain regression techniques of Geweke and Porter-Hudak(1983), "The Estimation and Application of Long Memory Time Series Models", J. of Time Series Analysis, pp 221-238.
| ||||||||
grangerbootstrap.rpf |
Bootstrapped p-values for Granger causality test.
| ||||||||
graphboxplot.rpf | Demonstrates creating of a boxplot using the GBOX instruction.
| ||||||||
graphforecast.rpf | Demonstrates graphing forecasts (time series defined over different intervals). Uses the ESMOOTH instruction for forecasts.
| ||||||||
graphfunction.rpf | Demonstrates use of the SCATTER instruction with STYLE=LINES for graphing a general function.
| ||||||||
graphhighlow.rpf | Demonstrates "high-low-close" graphs, done using the GRAPH instruction with the option STYLE=VERTICAL.
| ||||||||
graphlabels.rpf | Demonstrates the various labels on a GRAPH instruction.
| ||||||||
graphmatrix.src | GraphMatrix graphs a rectangular array of series on separate graphs The user can control the maximum number of graphs which can be placed either horizontally or vertically; if needed, the procedure will create as many pages as necessary in order to display the graphs.
| ||||||||
graphoverlay.rpf | Demonstrates "overlay" graphs (graphs with separate scales for the left and right axes).
| |||||||| | Replicates work on Markov-switching GARCH models from Gray(1996), "Modeling the conditional distribution of interest rates as a regime-switching process", J. of Financial Economics, vol 42, pp 27-62. Makes extensive use of the functions on markov.src.
| ||||||||
gregoryhansen.src |
Implements the Gregory-Hansen cointegration test. The cointegrating
regression is allowed to have a trend or not, and can have either a
break in the intercept only or a break in all coefficients.
| |||||||| | Replication of example from Gregory and Hansen(1996), "Residual-based Tests for Cointegration in Models with Regime Shifts", Journal of Econometrics, vol 70, 99-126.
| ||||||||
gridseries.src | Creates a series with an evenly spaced grid based either upon range and number of points, or range and interval width.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Grier, Henry, Olekalns & Shields(2004),
"The asymmetric effects of uncertainty on inflation and output growth,"
Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol 19, no. 5, 551-565.
| ||||||||
hadri.src |
Implements Hadri tests for unit roots in panel data.
This has stationarity as the null, and rejects if the
detrended or de-meaned data are too persistent.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Hafner and Herwartz(2006),
"Volatility impulse responses for multivariate GARCH models: An exchange rate illustration",
Journal of International Money and Finance, vol 25, no 5, 719-740.
| ||||||||
halton.src | Generates an n-vector of the Halton sequence for the given base (which should be a prime number). Halton sequences are deterministic "low-discrepancy" sequences which fill the unit cube relatively uniformly (with a different base for each dimension) allowing numerical integrals to be estimated more accurately for a given number of function evaluations than would be possible with truly random numbers.
| ||||||||
hamilton.rpf | Updated version of the HAMILTON.PRG switching model example discussed in the RATS 5.0 User's Guide. This version includes an EM algorithm written by Andrew Leach that provides better initial conditions, allow the model to converge to a solution when using the entire sample data set.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Hamilton and Susmel(1994), "Autoregressive
Conditional Heteroskedasticity and Changes in Regime," Journal of
Econometrics, vol 64, pp 307-333.
| ||||||||
hannan.rpf | Demonstrates Hannan Efficient GLS estimation for a distributed lag.
| ||||||||
hannanrissanen.src |
Computes estimates for an ARMA model using the Hannan-Rissanen algorithm, which
runs a LS regression on lags of the dependent variable and residuals from a
long preliminary AR.
| ||||||||
hansen.rpf | Demonstrates use of LINREG with INSTRUMENTS for testing overidentifying restrictions.
| |||||||| | Replication of Bruce Hansen (1994), "Autoregressive Conditional Density Estimation", International Economic Review, vol 35, no. 3, pp 705-730. This estimates GARCH models with student t errors with time-varying degrees of freedom, and introduces the skew-t density.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for the examples of Hansen, Bruce E.(1997),
"Approximate Asymptotic P-Values for Structural Change Tests",
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, vol 15, no. 1, pp 60-67.
| |||||||| |
Replication file from Bruce Hansen(1999), "Threshold effects in non dynamic panels:
estimation, testing and inference", Journal of Econometrics, vol 93,
pp 345-368.
| |||||||| |
Replication for Hansen(2000),
"Testing for Structural Change in Conditional Models",
Journal of Econometrics, vol. 97, no. 1, pages 93-115.
| |||||||| | Replication program for a SETAR model on GNP from Bruce Hansen(1996), "Inference When a Nuisance Parameter is Not Identified Under the Null Hypothesis", Econometrica, vol 64, no. 2, pp 413-430. Demonstrates use of tar.src procedure.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Hansen and Seo(2002), "Testing for two-regime threshold cointegration in vector error-correction models", Journal of Econometrics, vol 110, pp 293-318.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Harvey, Ruiz and Shephard(1994), "Multivariate Stochastic Variance Models", Review of Economic Studies, vol 61, no. 2, pp 247-264. Includes programs for univariate and multivariate models.
| ||||||||
hasbrouck.rpf | Example of the calculation of decomposition of long-run variance using the techniques from Hasbrouck(1995) "One security, many markets: determining the contribution to price discovery", Journal of Finance, vol 50, no 4, pp 1175-1199.
| |||||||| |
| ||||||||
hausman.rpf | Demonstrates direct calculation of a Hausman specification test statistic for 2SLS vs 3SLS.
| ||||||||
hegy.src | An implementation of the "HEGY" (Hylleberg, Engle, Granger, and Yoo, 1990) seasonal unit root tests for quarterly time series. Options allow you to specify the number of lags, and choose between models with and without intercept, seasonal dummies, and/or trend. You can also have it test all of these models at once.
| ||||||||
hetero.rpf | Demonstrates LINREG with the SPREAD option for estimating regression with heteroscedastic errors. Includes examples with both variances being known and being estimated.
| ||||||||
heterotest.rpf | Demonstrates Goldfeld-Quandt, Breusch-Pagan and Harvey tests for heteroscedasticity.
| ||||||||
hillgev.src |
Estimates the tail index for a distribution, using Hill's method.
| ||||||||
hinichtest.src | Performs the Hinich bispectrum test for linearity and Gaussianity. Hinich and Patterson (1989), "Evidence of nonlinearity in the trade-by-trade stock market return generating process", in Economic Complexity: Chaos, Sunspots, Bubbles and Nonlinearity, Barnett, Geweke and Shell, eds. Cambridge University Press.
| ||||||||
histbins.src | A modified version of the older HIST.SRC (see below). This version displays bin ranges and counts.
| ||||||||
histogram.src | New Histogram procedure, using the DENSITY command introduced in RATS 5.0. This includes one command that requires 5.04 or later--this command can be removed if you have an older version (see comment line in the file). (Renamed from HISTOGRM.SRC).
| ||||||||
history.rpf | Demonstrates calculation and graphing of the historical decomposition of the data using a VAR.
| ||||||||
histscat.src | HISTSCAT generates a histogram plot using SCATTER with the XLABELS option. It can't do bar graphs, but it does provide proper x-axis labeling.
| ||||||||
hjbounds.src |
HJBounds computes (and optionally graphs) the Hansen-Jagannathan bounds
for a set of returns, as a function of the unobserved mean of a riskfree asset.
| |||||||| |
Example of techniques for estimating a VAR with panel data (with large N-small T data set) from
Holtz-Eakin, Newey and Rosen(1988),
"Estimating Vector Autoregressions with Panel Data,"
Econometrica, vol. 56, no 6, pp 1371-95.
| ||||||||
hpfilter.rpf | Demonstrates various ways of computing the Hodrick-Prescott filter using RATS. The standard HP filter is built into the FILTER instruction (beginning with RATS 6.20), but it can also be analyzed using the instruction DLM.
| ||||||||
hpfilter.src | Executes a Hodrick-Prescott Filter (Hodrick, R. & Prescott, E., "Post-War U.S. Business Cycles: An Empirical Investigation", Carnegie-Mellon working paper, 1980. NOTE: The FILTER instruction in RATS can now compute the HP filter directly.
| ||||||||
htunit.src |
Implementation of Harris-Tzavalis test for unit roots in panel data. This has
a null of a unit root, with asymptotics assuming large N, fixed T.
| ||||||||
hurst.src | Computes a Hurst exponent. Revised in March, 2007 to use a single dialog box for input, and for improved output.
| ||||||||
icss.src |
Performs the Inclan-Tiao test for breaks in variance.
| ||||||||
imhof.src | Imhof Procedure for computing P(u'Au < x) for a quadratic form in Normal(0,1) variables. This can be used for ratios of quadratic forms as well, since P((u'Au/u'Bu) < x)= P(u'(A-xB)u < 0). Use the functions %QFORMPDF or %QFORMDPDF with RATS versions 6.00 or later.
| ||||||||
impactsignflip.src | This procedure is used to correct the signs of columns in a factor of a covariance matrix when the signs themselves may not be identified by the process of computing the factor (such as with short- and long-run restrictions).
| ||||||||
impulses.rpf | Demonstrates calculation and (various ways of) graphing impulse response functions. It also demonstrates with VARIRF.SRC procedure, which can do these types of graphics as well.
| ||||||||
inclantiao.rpf | Replication file for Inclan and Tiao, "Use of Cumulative Sums of Squares for Retrospective Detection of Changes in Variance", JASA 1994, vol 89, pp 913-923. Data are included in the program file.
| ||||||||
influnem.rpf | Demonstrates looping over graph instructions.
| ||||||||
instrument.rpf | Demonstrates basic 2SLS estimation, using the instruction LINREG with the INSTRUMENTS option.
| ||||||||
interpol.src | Interpolates a series, changing the frequency to a higher one while maintaining the last value in each period. The newer procedure DISAGGREGATE.SRC can do the same calculation and quite a bit more.
| ||||||||
intervention.rpf | Demonstrates intervention analysis using the instruction BOXJENK with the INPUTS option.
| ||||||||
invchisqrparms.src | Returns a 2-vector with the two parameters (degrees of freedom and scale, in that order) for an inverse chi-square distribution with the given mean and standard deviation.
| ||||||||
invgammaparms.src | Returns a 2-vector with the two parameters for an inverse Gamma distribution with the given mean and standard deviation. Note that the RATS functions 0ggammadensity(x,a,b) and %rangamma(a) use a parameterization in terms of shape and scale, not degrees of freedom and mean. This returns the a and b appropriate for use with those functions.
| ||||||||
ipshin.src | Implements panel unit root tests from Im, Pesaran and Shin(2003), "Testing for Unit Roots in Heterogeneous Panels", J. of Econometrics, vol 115,53-74.
| |||||||| |
Replication program for Ireland(2004), "A Method for Taking Models to
the Data", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol 28, no. 6,
| ||||||||
irfrestrict.src | Builds up (one constraint at a time) a restriction matrix for a "B" form structural VAR.
| ||||||||
johmle.src | Computes Johansen lambda tests for cointegrating rank, and the ML estimator for a single cointegrating vector. Updated in February, 2006, October, 2006, and February, 2007, to include additional options and improved output.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Jorda(2005), "Estimation and Inference of Impulse Responses by Local Projections", American Economic Review, vol 95, no 1, 161-182.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Jacquier, Polson and Rossi(1994), "Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Volatility Models,"
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, vol 12, no 4, pp. 371-89.
| ||||||||
kernel.src | KERNEL.SRC computes and graphs a non-parametric estimate of the unconditional density of a single series. Other than the graphics, this can be done with with the RATS instruction DENSITY with any version 5.0 or later.
| ||||||||
kernreg.src | KERNREG.SRC and LOWESS.SRC are procedures for flexible fits of the form y = f(x). KERNREG does this by kernel regression (weighted sums of y values), while LOWESS uses locally weighted fits of first order polynomials. RATS v5 now includes the NPREG instruction.
| ||||||||
kfexact.src | KFEXACT.SRC performs the Kalman filtering technique described in "Exact Initial Kalman Filtering and Smoothing for Nonstationary Time Series Models" by Siem Jan Koopman, JASA, December 1997. This is now included in the RATS instruction DLM when you use the EXACT option.
| ||||||||
kfilter.src | Kalman filtering procedure, using general matrix inputs (updated so that you don't have to declare/dimension the XKK array ahead of time). This procedure has been superseded by the built-in DLM command introduced in RATS 5.0.
| |||||||| | Replication of Kilian(1998), "Small-Sample Confidence Intervals for Impulse Response Functions", Review of Economics and Statistics, vol 80, no 2, 218-230.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Kilian, L. (2009), "Not All Oil Price Shocks Are Alike: Disentangling Demand and Supply Shocks in the Crude Oil Market", American Economic Review, vol. 99, no. 3, pp. 1053-1069.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Kilian & Vigfusson(2011), "Are the responses of the U.S. economy asymmetric in energy price increases and decreases?", Quantitative Economics, vol. 2, no 3, 419-453. Bootstrap-in-bootstrap analysis of a VAR with asymmetries.
| ||||||||
klein.rpf | Estimates Klein's Model I using 2SLS
| ||||||||
kolmtest.src | Computes the test statistic for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of goodness of fit and displays the corresponding critical value at different significance levels. Frequently used to test for Normality, can also be used to test for Chi-squared, F, and t-distributions.
| |||||||| |
This is an example of the Gibbs sampling procedure for cointegrated
models described in
Koop, León-González and Strachan(2010),
"Efficient Posterior Simulation for Cointegrated Models with Priors on the Cointegration Space",
Econometric Reviews, vol. 29, no. 2, 224-242.
| |||||||| | Replication file for the multivariate EGARCH model with mean and asymmetric volatility spillovers from Koutmos(1996), "Modeling the Dynamic Interdependence of Major European Stock Markets", Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, vol 23, 975-988.
| ||||||||
kpss.src |
Does the KPSS stationarity test procedure.
| |||||||| | Replicates results from King, Plosser, Stock and Watson(1991), "Stochastic Trends and Economic Fluctuations", American Economic Review, vol. 81, pp. 819-840. Demonstrates the procedures swdols.src, swtrends.src, johmle.src, and forcedfactor.src
| |||||||| | Replication files for Krolzig's "International Business Cycles: Regime Shifts in the Stochastic Process of Economic Growth", Oxford University Discussion Paper.
| ||||||||
kscpostdraw.src |
Uses the rejection method to draw from the posterior formed by multiplying
a Normal by a log inverse gamma. This comes up in the analysis of the
stochastic volatility model. This is a refinement of the proposal in:
| ||||||||
ksmooth.src | KSMOOTH.SRC performs Kalman smoothing, using general matrix inputs. See also the example program KSMOOTH.PRG. Note that this procedure has been superseded by the built-in DLM instruction introduced in RATS 5.0.
| |||||||| |
Example of L1 filtering (to extract a trend).
| ||||||||
lagpolyroots.src | Produces a table of the inverted roots of the input lag polynomial, showing the modulus and (for complex roots) the period.
| ||||||||
lagselec.src | Automatically computes various lag-length tests for a single series, including AIC, BIC, Ljung-Box, and more.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Lanne and Lutkepohl(2008),
"Identifying Monetary Policy Shocks via Changes in Volatility",
JMCB, vol 40, no 6, 1131-1149.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Laubach and Williams(2003),
"Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest",
Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 85, no 4, 1063-1070.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Lebo and Box-Steffensmeier(2008),
"Dynamic Conditional Correlations in Political Science",
American Journal of Political Science, vol 53, no 2, 688-704.
| |||||||| | Replication for T. H. Lee(1994), "Spread and volatility in spot and forward exchange rates," Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 13, no 3, 375-383. This estimates a set of VECM-GARCH-X models on spot and forward exchanges rates for several countries.
| ||||||||
levinlin.src | Implements tests from Levin, Lin and Chu(2002), "Unit root tests in panel data: Asymptotic and finite-sample properties", Journal of Econometrics, vol 108, no 1, 1–24.
| ||||||||
liml.src | LIML does limited information maximum likelihood estimation of a linear regression equation. Before using this, you should set the instrument set using INSTRUMENTS.
| ||||||||
listexample.rpf | Example of the use of the LIST aggregator
| ||||||||
localdlm.src | Creates the "A", "C" and "F" matrices for a local level or local trend DLM with shocks to the trend rate or level or both.
| ||||||||
localdlminit.src | Provides rough estimates of the component variances for the irregular and trend rate variances for a local level or local trend model, possibly in the presence of seasonals.
| ||||||||
localtrend.src | Performs a "local smoothing regression". Used in one of the example programs for the Makridakis, Wheelwright, and Hyndman textbook (see Textbook Examples)
| ||||||||
logmvskewt.src |
Computes the log density function for a multivariate skew-t distribution.
| ||||||||
lognormalparms.src | Returns a 2-vector with the parameters for the underlying Normal to achieve the given mean and standard deviation for a log normal.
| ||||||||
logskewgeddensity.src | 0gSkewGEDDensity(x,h,lambda,k) returns the log density at x of the univariate skewed GED with mean zero and variance h. From Panayiotis(2015), "Skewed Generalized Error Distribution of Financial Assets and Option Pricing," Multinational Finance Journal, vol. 19(4), pages 223-266.
| ||||||||
logskewgedgarch.src | 0gSkewGEDGARCH(h,x) returns the log density at x of the univariate skewed GED with mean zero and variance h. This is for use with the RATS GARCH instruction with the DENSITY option so the skewness and kurtosis control parameters are put into global variables. From Panayiotis(2015), "Skewed Generalized Error Distribution of Financial Assets and Option Pricing," Multinational Finance Journal, vol. 19(4), pages 223-266.
| ||||||||
logskewtdensity.src | Function returning the log of the normalized (to unit variance and zero mean) skew-t density from Hansen(1994), "Autoregressive Conditional Density Estimation", International Economic Review, vol 35, no. 3, 705-730.
| ||||||||
logskewtgarch.src | 0gSkewTGARCH(h,z) returns the log of the normalized (to variance h and zero mean) skew t density. This is for use with the RATS GARCH instruction with the DENSITY option, so the skewness and kurtosis control parameters are handled using global variables. From Hansen (1994), "Autoregressive Conditional Density Estimation", International Economic Review, vol 35, no. 3, pp 705-730, the
| ||||||||
lowess.rpf |
Example of non-parametric regression techniques.
| ||||||||
lowess.src | Does a flexible fit of y=f(x) using the lowess (locally weighted scatterplot smoothing). This is obsolete. Use the RATS instruction NPREG instead.
| ||||||||
lpunit.src |
Implements the Lumsdaine-Papell unit root test, allowing for two
breaks in the intercept, the trend or both at unknown locations.
| ||||||||
lsdvc.src |
Computes a least squares dummy variable (i.e. fixed effects) estimator
for a dynamic panel data model with correction for bias.
| ||||||||
lsunit.src |
Implementation of Lee-Strazicich LM unit root tests with one or two structural breaks.
Optionally, it can do more than two breaks.
| ||||||||
lts.src | LTS.SRC implements the Least Trimmed Squares Regression method. This computes robust linear regressions in the presence of outliers. For details on this technique and the procedure, see LTS Information (HTML file), or download the same info in the file LTS.TXT).
| |||||||| |
Replication for the DSGE model from Lubik, Thomas A. & Schorfheide, Frank(2007),
"Do central banks respond to exchange rate movements? A structural investigation,"
Journal of Monetary Economics, vol 54, no. 4, 1069-1087.
| ||||||||
maautolags.src | @MAAutoLags computes an information criterion for various lags of MA processes using the innovations algorithm, finding the "optimal" choice under that criterion and (optionally) producing a table with the values for all lags.
| ||||||||
mackinnoncv.src | Computes "exact" critical values for the Dickey-Fuller and the Engle-Granger cointegration tests from the response surface regressions in MacKinnon, J. (1991), "Critical Values for Cointegration Tests", Long-Run Economic Relationships, R.F. Engle and C.W.J. Granger, eds. London: Oxford University Press. (Renamed from MACKCVAL.SRC).
| ||||||||
mannwhitney.src |
Performs a Mann-Whitney(-Wilcoxon) non-parametric test for whether the observations
from the vectors X and Y are drawn from the same distribution.
| |||||||| |
Replication for Mark and Sul(2003), "Cointegration Vector Estimation by
Panel DOLS and Long-run Money Demand," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and
Statistics, vol. 65, no. 5, 655-680.
| ||||||||
markov.src | MARKOV.PRG provides examples of Markov switching models using generated data. Based on December 1998 RATSLetter article. This has been superseded by the newer HAMILTON.PRG example in RATS Version 5.0, so these will only be of interest to users still running RATS 4.x, who can refer to the December 1998 newsletter for technical details.
| |||||||| |
Based upon Matheson and Stavrev(2013),
"The Great Recession and the inflation puzzle,"
Economics Letters, vol. 120, no 3, pp 468-472
with a reconstructed (and extended) data set.
| ||||||||
matpeek.src | Contains two procedures: MatrixPeek and MatrixPoke. These extract information or put information into a rectangular array at specified locations. Since version 5.10, RATS now includes built-in functions %MATPEEK and %MATPOKE.
| ||||||||
maximize.rpf |
Example of the use of MAXIMIZE for a stochastic frontier model.
| ||||||||
mbkernel.src | Version of KERNEL.SRC required by MODES.SRC.
| ||||||||
mcfevdtable.src | Computes error bands for the forecast error variance decomposition for a VAR using using the information already computed. Note: this assumes that the shocks used are orthogonal and produce a complete factorization of the covariance matrix. It cannot be used with isolated shocks (from, for instance, sign restrictions).
| ||||||||
mcgraphirf.src | Graphs error bands for impulse response functions using the information already computed by another procedure (such as MCVARDoDraws). This has many options controlling the general layout and content.
| ||||||||
mcleodli.src | Performs a McLeod-Li test for 2nd order dependence. McLeod and Li(1993), "Diagnostic Checking of ARMA Time Series Models Using Squared Residual Autocorrelations", J. of Time Series Analysis, vol 4, pp 269-273.
| ||||||||
mcmcpostproc.src | Post processor for Markov Chain Monte Carlo statistics. Computes means, standard errors, numerical standard errors and CD measures for each component in an input SERIES[VECT] with the generated statistics.
| ||||||||
mcpriceeurope.rpf | Monte Carlo option pricing using antithetic acceleration.
| ||||||||
mcprocessirf.src | Generates error bands for impulse response functions using the information already computed by another procedure (such as MCVARDoDraws). This includes the same calculations as is done by MCGraphIRF, but rather than graphing, creates three RECT[SERIES] which can be graphed or put into tables as you need.
| ||||||||
mcsignrestrict.src |
This is a procedure which does sign restrictions by Monte Carlo methods as described in
Uhlig(2005), "What are the effects of monetary policy on output? Results from an agnostic identification procedure",
Journal of Monetary Economics, 52, pp 381-419.
| ||||||||
mcvardodraws.src | Computes impulse response functions for a VAR using Monte Carlo simulation. This assumes the model is an OLS VAR estimated using the ESTIMATE instruction. This uses a Choleski factorization, though it can be modified fairly easily to do any just-identified factorization.
| ||||||||
meangroup.src | Similar to SWAMY.SRC, but does a simple weighted average of the coefficient vectors.
| ||||||||
meplot.src | Displays a mean excess plot for a series.
| ||||||||
mesa.src | Computes and optionally graphs a spectrum using Maximum Entropy Method.
| ||||||||
mhegy.src | MHEGY.SRC implements the monthly version of the "HEGY" (Hylleberg, Engle, Granger, and Yoo, 1990) seasonal unit root tests (use the HEGY.SRC version above for quarterly series). Note: Requires Norman Morin's LAGSELEC.SRC procedure file.
| |||||||| | Replication for Michael, Nobay and Peel(1997), "Transactions Costs and Nonlinear Adjustment in Real Exchange Rates: An Empirical Investigation", J. of Political Economy, vol 105, no 4, pp 862-879.
| ||||||||
mixed.src | Estimates an equation using the mixed estimation technique. See the RATS User's Guide for full details.
| ||||||||
mixture.rpf | Example of a mixture model (not-Markovian) demonstrating the different estimation strategies.
| ||||||||
mixvar.src | MIXVAR computes estimates for a single equation using the mixed estimation procedure used by the RATS command ESTIMATE. It can be helpful when you have a variable you wish to forecast which does not fit into a full-blown VAR, because it has no predictive content for the other variables, or when you have a limited amount of data for one variable, so you need to use fewer coefficients in that equation than in others.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Morley, Nelson & Zivot(2003), "Why Are the Beveridge-Nelson and Unobserved-Components Decompositions of GDP So Different?," The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 85(2), pages 235-243.
| ||||||||
modelcompanion.src | Defines a function "%ModelCompanion(model)" which returns the companion matrix for a model (could be a VAR, but doesn't have to be). Beginning with version 6.35, this function is built-in.
| ||||||||
modellagmatrix.src |
Function for using %ModelLagMatrix for RATS versions
before 8.1. This returns the NxN matrix of coefficients for the
dependent variables of the <
| ||||||||
modes.src | MODES.SRC finds the critical windows and the number of modes of a given time series by KERNEL looping from an initially small window up to the largest obtained through selected increments and incremental values. The companion procedure BOOTS.SRC retrieves critical windows stored in a temp file, KERNEL boots the given time series for each of them, and tests for the null of m versus the alternative of m+1 modes by computing the ASL (Achieved Significance Level) statistics. Both require MBKERNEL.SRC, a stripped-down version of the KERNEL.SRC procedure. MBDEMO.PRG and GDPQ.RAT are sample program and data files. Or download MODES.ZIP which contains all of the above files.
| ||||||||
montearch.rpf | Demonstrates Monte Carlo examination of the critical values of a test; in this case, for a test for ARCH.
| ||||||||
monteexogvar.rpf | Demonstrates Monte Carlo integration in a VAR with shock to an "exogenous" variable.
| ||||||||
montenearsvar.rpf | Example of MCMC analysis of a combination of a near VAR for the lag coefficients and a structural VAR for the covariance matrix.
| ||||||||
montesur.rpf | Demonstrates an efficient method of drawing from the posterior distribution of a near-VAR by means of importance sampling for the covariance matrix.
| ||||||||
montesvar.rpf |
Monte Carlo (importance sampling) integration for impulse responses in a structural VAR.
| ||||||||
montesvar_mh.rpf | Monte Carlo integration of a structural VAR using Random Walk Metropolis. (MONTEVAR.RPF is similar, but uses importance sampling).
| ||||||||
montevar.rpf |
Example of Monte Carlo Integration of Impulse Responses
| ||||||||
montevar.src | This computes and graphs error bands for impulse response functions for a VAR using Monte Carlo simulation. This assumes the model is a symmetric VAR estimated using the ESTIMATE instruction. This uses a Choleski factorization, though it can be modified fairly easily to do any just-identified factorization.
| ||||||||
montevecm.rpf | Monte Carlo integration for a Vector Error Correction Model (with fixed cointegrating vector)
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Mountford and Uhlig (2009), "What are the Effects
of Fiscal Policy Shocks?", Journal of Applied Econometrics (to appear).
| ||||||||
msemsetupstd.src | These functions and procedures are fairly generic calculations for EM estimation in Markov Switching models.
| ||||||||
msregression.src | Procedure file for Markov Switching univariate linear regressions, with the either the full coefficient vector switching or part of the coefficient vector is switching and part fixed. Use the MSVARSetup procedures for switching autoregressions and VAR's, and MSSysRegression for other types of multivariate regressions.
| ||||||||
mssetup.src | These are fairly generic Markov Chain/Markov Switching model support functions. This takes the place of the markov.src file.
| ||||||||
mssysregression.src | Procedure file for Markov switching multivariate linear regressions (same right hand side variables) with either the full coefficient vector switching or part of the coefficient vector is switching and part fixed. Use the MSVARSetup procedures for switching autoregressions and VAR's where only the mean (and possibly the variance) changes.
| ||||||||
msvariances.rpf |
Model of Markov-switching variances.
| ||||||||
msvarsetup.src | Procedure file for setting up Markov switching VAR's.
| ||||||||
multiplebreaks.src |
This does multiple structural change analysis as described in
Bai and Perron, but using a threshold variable other than time.
| ||||||||
mvarchtest.src | Performs a multivariate LM test for ARCH effects in a set of series by regressing the crossproducts of the series (that is u(i,t) x u(j,t) for all combinations of i and j) on a constant and its lag(s) and testing the coefficients on the lags.
| ||||||||
mvbndecomp.src |
Computes a multivariate Beveridge-Nelson decomposition of a set of
series via a vector autoregression.
| ||||||||
mvgarchfore.src | Forecasts a multi-variate GARCH model, estimated using the GARCH instruction. Minor revisions/corrections in May 2006.
| ||||||||
mvgarchtovech.src | Extracts a VECH representation out of the most recent GARCH instruction for use in forecasting or impulse response analysis.
| ||||||||
mvgarchvarfore.src | @MVGARCHVarFore computes out-of-sample variance forecasts for several types of GARCH models which don't have a full VECH representation. As a result, they forecast only the variances (producing zeros for the off-diagonals).
| ||||||||
mvgarchvarmats.src | This pulls the matrices for a variance recursion out of the output from a GARCH model. Do this immediately after the GARCH instruction and repeat the VARIANCES option.
| ||||||||
mvident.src |
Creates a Tiao-Box cross correlation matrix with +,- and . symbols for
significant positive, negative and insignificant cross correlations
| ||||||||
mvjb.src | Computes a multivariate version of the Jarque-Bera test for normality. Note that there are more sophisticated versions of this (for instance, Doornik and Hansen, "An Omnibus Test for Univariate and Multivariate Normality"). This just transforms the input residual series to uncorrelated components (using an eigenbased factorization if not provided by the user) and sums up the univariate JB statistics from those.
| ||||||||
mvkfiltr.src | Multivariate Kalman filtering procedure. Superseded by built-in DLM instruction introduced in RATS 5.0.
| ||||||||
mvqstat.src |
Computes the Hosking variant on the multivariate Q statistic.
| ||||||||
nbercycles.src |
Generates dummy variables for quarterly or monthly data based upon the NBER
business cycle reference dates.
| ||||||||
neural.rpf | Estimates and does predictions using a neural network model. Demonstrates the instructions NNLEARN and NNTEST.
| ||||||||
nlls.rpf | Demonstrates estimation using non-linear least squares with the instruction NLLS.
| ||||||||
nndynfore.rpf | Example of dynamic forecasting with neural networks
| ||||||||
nonlinear.rpf |
Demonstrates several techniques for maximum likelihood estimation of a non-linear model.
| ||||||||
normtest.src | Implements a multivariate test for normality, as described by Doornik and Hansen (1994), which was based on a proposal of Shenton and Bowman (1977). It can also perform univariate normality tests. The test is described in a working paper by Jurgen A. Doornik and Henrik Hansen, which is available as a PostScript file at:
| ||||||||
npreg.rpf | Demonstrates nonparametric regression using the NPREG instruction. The application is semiparametric weighted least squares, estimating the schedastic function for weighted least squares using NPREG.
| ||||||||
observableindex.rpf | Estimates an observable index model from Sargent & Sims(1977), "Business cycle modeling without pretending to have too much a priori economic theory"
| ||||||||
olshodrick.src | Procedure to compute a least squares regression with the covariance matrix proposed by Hodrick(1992) "Dividend Yields and Expected Stock Returns: Alternative Procedures for Inference and Measurement", Review of Financial Studies, vol 5, no 3, 357-386.
| ||||||||
olsmenu.rpf |
Example of user-defined menus.
| ||||||||
onebreak.rpf |
Analysis of linear regression with single break in time sequence.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Ozbek and Ozlale(2005), "Employing the extended
Kalman filter in measuring the output gap," Journal of Economic
Dynamics and Control, vol. 29, no. 9, pages 1611-1622.
| ||||||||
pacf2ar.src | Generates the series of coefficients for an autoregressive representation from an input set of partial autocorrelations.
| ||||||||
pancoint.src |
Procedure for Cointegration Tests in Heterogeneous Panels with
Multiple Regressors ("Pedroni tests").
| ||||||||
panel.rpf | Demonstrates various techniques for estimating linear models in panel data. Does fixed effects, random effects, first differenced and SUR using the instruction PANEL. Also shows how to implement create dummy variables and do panel data filtering techniques.
| ||||||||
panelcause.rpf | Example of panel causality test allowing for heterogeneity in the coefficients and variances.
| ||||||||
panelcause.rpf | Example of panel causality test allowing for heterogeneity in the coefficients and variances.
| ||||||||
paneldols.src |
PANEDOLS.SRC is procedure for Peter Pedroni's methodology
for group mean panel tests using Dynamic OLS.
| ||||||||
panelfm.src |
PANELM.SRC is a new version of Peter Pedroni's methodology
for group mean panel tests using Fully Modified OLS.
Now in the form of the procedure, this is much easier to
use than the old example program version (PANGROUP.PRG),
and includes several important revisions by Prof. Pedroni.
| ||||||||
panelscc.src | This estimates Spatial Correlation Consistent (SCC) covariance matrix from panel data, from Driscoll and Kraay's "Consistent-Covariance Matrix Estimation With Spatially Dependent Panel Data", Review of Economics and Statistics article, November, 1998. It computes coefficient estimates and standard errors consistent for spatial correlation, autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity for linear instrumental-variable panel data. Also available are an example program using purchasing-power parity model (PPP01.PRG) and the accompanying data set (PPP.RAT).
| ||||||||
panelthresh.src |
Tests a fixed effects regression for one or two breaks in a single
regressor, with breaks determined by the values of another variable.
| ||||||||
pdl.rpf | Demonstrates estimation of polynomial distributed lags using the instructions ENCODE and LINREG with UNRAVEL. See also PDLREG.SRC.
| ||||||||
pdl.src | Automates the process of estimating Polynomial Distributed Lag models-- you list the variables, start and end lags, polynomial degree, select a constraint type, and the procedure does the rest.
| ||||||||
pdlreg.src | Computes a Polynomial Distributed Lag. This is an update of the older PDL.SRC procedure included with RATS for many years. It offers more options, and the input conforms more closely to the standard form used by built-in RATS instructions.
| ||||||||
pdlselec.src | Helps select a PDL model by computing AIC and BIC criteria. Note: this requires an older version of the PDL procedure (also originally by Norman Morin), which is available in the file PDLMORIN.SRC procedure.
| |||||||| | Replication of Pedroni(2007), "Social capital, barriers to production and capital shares: implications for the importance of parameter heterogeneity from a nonstationary panel approach", Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol 22, no 2, 429-451. Uses the PANCOINT and PANELFM and procedures for testing and estimation of cointegration models in heterogeneous panels.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Pedroni(2001) "Purchasing Power Parity Tests in Cointegrated Panels", Review of Economics and Statistics, 83, 727-731. Demonstrates the procedures panelfm.src and paneldols.src.
| ||||||||
perron.src | Performs the Perron test for a unit root allowing for a one-time change in the slope or level of the series. Useful when standard tests against trend stationary alternatives cannot reject the null hypothesis of unit root if the true data generating process is that of stationary around a trend function which contains a one time break. By Diego Vasquez, based in part on Norman Morin's URADF.SRC procedure.
| ||||||||
perron97.src | Implements various unit root tests for series with endogenous time breaks, as described in Perron's paper "Further evidence on breaking trend functions in macroeconomic variables, Journal of Econometrics 80, 1997.
| ||||||||
perronbreaks.src | Implementation of the general structure for analyzing breaks with unit roots in Perron(2006), "Dealing with Structural Breaks," in Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics, Vol. 1, pp 278-352, extended to allow more than one break.
| ||||||||
perronngmtests.src |
Computes one or more of the Perron-Ng "M" unit root tests.
| ||||||||
perronrodriguez.src |
Does the Perron-Rodriguez(2003) test for unit roots using GLS
detrending, allowing for a break point at an unknown date.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Perron and Rodriguez(2003), "GLS Detrending, Efficient Unit Root Tests and Structural Change", Journal of Econometrics, vol. 115, no. 1, 1-27.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Perron and Wada(2009), "Let’s take a break: Trends and cycles in US real GDP", Journal of Monetary Economics, vol 56, 749-765.
| ||||||||
persist.src | Uses frequency domain techniques to estimate the sum of the coefficients of the moving average representation for a series (persistence measure).
| |||||||| | Replication file for Pesaran, Shin and Smith(1999), "Pooled Mean Group Estimation of Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels", JASA, vol. 94, no. 446, pp. 621-634. Demonstrates the instruction SWEEP.
| ||||||||
phillipshannan.src |
Uses a multivariate Hannan's Efficient Estimator to estimate a set of linear equations with stationary errors
and tests linear restrictions on the parameter matrix.
| ||||||||
polymult.src | Takes as input two vectors of coefficients from two lag polynomials (or two general polynomials) and multiplies them out to get a vector of coefficients for their product. The second polynomial can include seasonal terms. The RATS function %POLYMULT has largely made this obsolete.
| ||||||||
portfolio.rpf | Demonstrates tracing the mean-variance efficient frontier for a portfolio given mean and covariance matrix. This uses the instruction LQPROG for quadratic programming and SCATTER for drawing a general function.
| ||||||||
potest.src |
Computes a Phillips-Ouliaris(-Hansen) test for cointegration. This includes the first stage regression.
Use the related procedure @POTESTRESIDS if you already have the residuals.
| ||||||||
potestresids.src |
Computes a Phillips-Ouliaris(-Hansen) test for cointegration using the residuals from an (already completed) regression. Use the
related procedure @POTEST if you need to do the first stage regression as well.
| ||||||||
ppunit.src |
Computes one of the Phillips-Perron modifications to the Dickey-Fuller unit root tests.
| ||||||||
princomp.src | A simple procedure for extracting principal components. Updated in Feb. 2006, with options for analyzing data in correlation or centered form.
| ||||||||
prinfactors.src | PRINFACTORS does a principal components based factor analysis of an input covariance or correlation matrix.
| ||||||||
prjconditional.src | Computes predicted probabilities for a conditional logit. This should be only be used after doing DDV with TYPE=CONDITIONAL.
| ||||||||
prjmultinomial.src | Computes predicted probabilities and marginal effects for choices in a multinomial logit. This should be only be used after doing DDV with TYPE=MULTINOMIAL.
| ||||||||
prjpoisson.src | Computes prediction and marginal effects for a count data model using the Poisson. This should be only be used after doing DDV with TYPE=COUNT.
| ||||||||
probit.rpf | Demonstrates logit and probit estimation for a binary choice model. Uses the instruction DDV.
| ||||||||
psdinitcx.src | Contains the user-defined function %PSDINITCX, which implements the calculation of a ergodic variance of a state space model using the diagonalization methods described in Soren Johansen, "A Small Sample Correction for the Test of Cointegrating Rank in the Vector Autoregressive Model", Econometrica, September 2002. This is more efficient than the direct solution of the linear system used in the RATS function %PSDINIT when there are 6 or more states, with the advantage becoming quite noticeable when there are 15 or more.
| ||||||||
qplot.src | Creates a Q plot for a series against a hypothesized Normal or Exponential distribution.
| ||||||||
qprog.rpf | Demonstrates inequality constrained quadratic programming. The application is a linear regression with inequality constraints. Uses the instruction LQPROG.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Quah and Vahey (1995), "Measuring Core Inflation?", Economic Journal, vol. 105, pp 1130-44. Demonstrates use of the HISTORY instruction and the 0QFACTOR function.
| ||||||||
quartimax.src | QuartiMax rotates a set of factor loadings (previously computed) using the quartimax criterion.
| ||||||||
randomize.rpf | Demonstrates approximate randomization, a form of bootstrapping for testing "unrelatedness". Uses the instruction BOOT.
| ||||||||
rangrid.src | Defines a FUNCTION called %RANGRID that creates a random draw from distribution approximated across a grid of points.
| ||||||||
raninvgaussian.src |
Draws a single value from an inverse Gaussian distribution with mean <
| ||||||||
ranmixture.src | This draws a vector from a mixture of Normals.
| ||||||||
rannormaltrunc.src | Generates a (single) draw from a truncated random Normal distribution. The distribution can be truncated above, below or both.
| ||||||||
rantruncate.src | Generates draws from a truncated Normal using the rejection method. In versions of RATS 7.3 and later, this is a built-in function.
| |||||||| | This Zip file contains the RAS procedure for updating rectangular matrices by the RAS method (bi-proportional adjustment of matrices)--useful in Input-Ouput analysis. The file includes the procedure file, example program and output, and descriptive file.
| ||||||||
regactfit.src | Regression post-processor which graphs actual/fitted and residuals in separate vertical zones on the same box.
| ||||||||
reganova.src | Prints an analysis of variance table for the last linear regression.
| ||||||||
regarima.rpf | Demonstrates estimation of a RegARIMA model (regression with an ARIMA error process).
| ||||||||
regconfidence.src | Regression post-processor to show table of confidence intervals for coefficients
| ||||||||
regcorrs.src | Computes and graphs autocorrelations, displaying also the Q statistic, AIC and SBC criteria for the residuals from the last regression or ARIMA estimation.
| ||||||||
regcrits.src | Computes and displays the Akaike Information Criterion, Schwarz Bayesian Criterion, Hannan-Quinn, and FPE, for use in comparing models.
| ||||||||
regexactdw.src | Regression post-processor which computes the exact significance level for the Durbin-Watson statistic in an OLS regression.
| ||||||||
reghbreak.src |
RegHBreak is a regression post-processor which performs Andrews-Quandt
and Andrews-Ploberger tests, estimating the p-value using fixed
regressor bootstrapping.
Use this after running a linear regression.
| ||||||||
regpartcorr.src | The procedure REGPARTCORR computes and prints the partial correlations between the regressors and the dependent variable (file renamed from REGPCORR.SRC).
| ||||||||
regpcse.src |
Computes a Panel-Corrected version of an OLS regression on a panel data set.
This should be used after the LINREG which does the OLS estimates. This allows
for one of several forms of covariances between the regressors and disturbances.
| ||||||||
regrecursive.src | RegRecursive is a regression post-processing procedure which computes recursive residuals and does testing methods based upon them. The basic regression is y(t)=X(t)b+u(t). The variance of u is assumed to be the (unknown) sigma**2. RegRecursive uses the Kalman filter to produce a series of estimates for the regression. Recursive residuals are the residuals for t using the estimates through t-1, normalized to be homoscedastic if the regression model is correct. Virtually all of this (other than graphs) can be done with the built-in RATS instruction RLS.
| ||||||||
regreset.src |
RegRESET is a regression post-processor which performs Ramsey's RESET test.
Use this after running a linear regression to test the
specification of that regression.
| ||||||||
regstabtest.src | Computes Hansen (Nyblom-Hansen) stability test for a (just computed) linear regression. It computes both individual and joint test statistics.
| ||||||||
regstrtest.src |
Does an LM test for linearity vs an alternative of smooth transition based upon lags of a
known threshold variable in the preceding linear regression. This should be executed
immediately after a LINREG.
| ||||||||
regtotex.src | Takes the most recent regression and produces a TeX equation showing the regression information in equation form.
| ||||||||
regtree.src | Performs a CART (Classification and Regression Trees) analysis. This is a nonparametric alternative to regression for analyzing the relationship between a dependent variable and a set of explanatory variables. CART works by splitting off the data into branches based upon the values of the independent variables. At each stage, it takes the branch which has the highest within group sum of squares for the dependent variable, and picks a split point which gives the greatest reduction in that sum. The calculations required to create a CART are simple (nothing more than sums of squares), but tedious, as each value of each explanatory variable is examined at each stage.
| ||||||||
regwhitenntest.src |
Regression post-processor to do the White Neural Network test.
| ||||||||
regwhitetest.src | Regression post-processing procedure for doing a "White" test for heteroscedasticity. This should be executed immediately after a LINREG.
| ||||||||
regwutest.src |
RegWuTest performs a Wu (or Durbin-Wu-Hausman) specification test on a
regression just estimated by instrumental variables. Because it works off
the last regression, there are no parameters.
| ||||||||
reportmatrix.rpf | Creates a cross table of test statistics for pairs of series (in this case "spillover" tests for a BEKK-GARCH model)
| ||||||||
reprobit.rpf | Example program demonstrating the estimation of a panel data probit model with random effects.
| ||||||||
reset.src | Performs a Regression Error Specification Test.
| ||||||||
rgse.src |
Procedure which uses Robinson's Gaussian semiparametric estimator for
estimating the fractional differencing parameter.
| ||||||||
riskmtrc.src | Implements Riskmetrics-style time varying correlations and volatilities computations.
| ||||||||
rlinreg.src | Computes and graphs recursive coefficient estimates along with 1.96 standard error bands around them, to give a sense whether the coefficients seem constant over a sample
| ||||||||
robust.rpf | Demonstrates robust estimators for linear models. Uses the instruction RREG (for computing LAD estimator), and LINREG with SPREAD for iterated weighted least squares.
| ||||||||
robustlmtest.src | Performs a heteroscedasticity-consistent LM test for the orthogonality between the residuals from the most recent regression and the input test variables. See, for instance, Wooldridge, "Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data", MIT Press, 2002, page 60.
| ||||||||
robuststar.rpf |
Demonstrates a test for STAR (smooth transition autoregression) with outlier adjustments.
| ||||||||
rollingcausality.rpf | Example of a (bivariate) Granger causality test in a rolling window with simulated data.
| ||||||||
rollreg.src | Rolling OLS regressions in one of three modes. Written originally at Bank of Canada; revised in 2010.
| ||||||||
roots.src | Contains the procedure ComplexRoots which computes the complex roots of an input polynomial. This has been made obsolete by the RATS function %POLYCXROOTS.
| ||||||||
rrgqtest.src | Performs a Goldfeld-Quandt type (sample partition) test for heteroscedasticity, applied to a series (such as recursive residuals) that are already assumed to be independent.
| ||||||||
rsstatistic.src |
Computes either the classical R/S statistic, or Lo's modified version,
where the scale is the square root of the long-run variance.
| ||||||||
runtest.src | For a input series x which shows two states (1,0), this computes a run test. The procedure can estimate the probability of success, or you can input this yourself.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Sadorsky(2012), "Correlations and volatility spillovers between oil prices and the stock prices of clean energy and technology companies", Energy Economics, vol 34, pp 248-255.
| ||||||||
sarima.src | This is a menu-driven procedure for identifying, estimating, and forecasting ARIMA models. Basically, this combines the functions of the BJIDENT and BJFORE procs included with RATS in a single, easy to use procedure. December 1998 update provides many more options, including support for non-consecutive lag lists.
| ||||||||
sctest.rpf | Examples of tests for serial correlation.
| ||||||||
seasonaldlm.src | Creates the A, C, and SW matrices for the seasonal component of a DLM. See Durbin and Koopman, "Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods", Oxford University Press 2001, pp 40-42, and West and Harrison, "Bayesian Forecasting and Dynamic Models" 2nd ed, Springer 1997, chapter 8 for more information.
| ||||||||
shiller.rpf | Demonstrates estimation of a distributed lag using the Shiller Smoothness prior. Shiller, R.J. (1973). "A Distributed Lag Estimator Derived from Smoothness Priors." Econometrica, Vol. 41, pp. 775-788. Uses the instructions CMOMENT and LINREG(CMOMENT) to handle mixed estimation. See also gibbs.prg, which does the same type of prior, but uses Gibbs sampling rather than mixed estimation.
| ||||||||
shillergibbs.rpf | Example of Gibbs sampling applied to a Shiller Smoothness Prior for a distributed lag.
| ||||||||
shortandlong.src | Computes a factorization of sigma with a combination of short and long run restrictions. It can only be applied to just-identified parameter- izations where the restrictions are zero restrictions. If you have an underidentified parameterization, you can compute the "RPERP" matrix which maps free parameters into the loading matrix, but you have to use NOESTIMATE.
| ||||||||
shortandlongvecm.rpf |
Example of a VECM with short-and-long run restrictions for structural model.
| ||||||||
shutdown.rpf | Example of computing sequence of shocks in a VAR to "shut down" a response.
| ||||||||
simplerbc.rpf | Example of solving a small DSGE, producing impulse responses
| |||||||| |
This zip file includes most of the analysis in
| ||||||||
simuladd.rpf |
Simultaneous equations; add factoring
| ||||||||
simulest.rpf |
Simultaneous equations; estimation
| ||||||||
simulfore.rpf |
Simultaneous equations; forecasting
| ||||||||
simulmult.rpf | * * SIMULMULT.RPF * RATS Version 8, User's Guide, example from Section 8.3. * source prsetup.src smpl 1984:1 1985:4 forecast(model=prsmall,results=base) compute govt(1984:1)=govt(1984:1)+2.0 forecast(model=prsmall,results=mults) compute govt(1984:1)=govt(1984:1)-2.0 do i=1,%rows(mults) set mults(i) = (mults(i)-base(i))/2.0 labels mults(i) # 'M_'+%modellabel(prsmall,i) end do i print(picture="*.###") / mults
| ||||||||
simultheil.rpf |
Simultaneous equations; forecast performance analysis
| |||||||| | Replication of Sinclair(2009), "The Relationships between Permanent and Transitory Movements in U.S. Output and the Unemployment Rate," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol. 41(2-3), pages 529-542.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for
Skalin and Terasvirta(1999),
"Another Look at Swedish Business Cycles, 1861-1988",
Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol. 14, no 4, pp 359-78.
| ||||||||
specdens.src | Calculates the spectral density matrix at frequency zero, i.e., the long-run covariance matrix, of a set of series using nonparametric methods.
| ||||||||
specfore.rpf | Demonstrates univariate forecasting using spectral techniques. Uses the SPECFORE.SRC procedure.
| ||||||||
specfore.src | Computes forecasts using spectral techniques.
| ||||||||
specth.src | Takes a vector of AR and MA terms and calculates the resulting theoretical spectrum (Note: requires the acfmorin.src procedure). An alternative that does a similar calculation using a RATS equation as input is armaspectrum.src.
| ||||||||
spectrum.rpf |
Example of calculation of a spectral density.
| ||||||||
spectrum.src | This computes and graphs the estimated spectrum of a series. This is an updated version of the same procedure included with RATS--the new version adds LOGSCALE and PERIODOGRAM options.
| ||||||||
spgraph.rpf | Demonstrates generation of a "matrix" of graphs using the instruction SPGRAPH.
| ||||||||
splom.src | This generates a scatter plot matrix - an NxN matrix of bivariate scatter plots.
| ||||||||
spunit.src |
Computes various "Schmidt-Phillips" tests (TAU) for a unit root.
| ||||||||
ssmspectrum.src | Returns the estimated multivariate spectrum from a state space model given by the A and SW options. It returns in its argument a series of complex matrices.
| ||||||||
ssvar.src | Uses Gibbs sampling to generate posterior estimates (including forecasts, if the user chooses) as in Villani, Mattias (2006), "Inference in Vector Autoregressive Models with an Informative Prior on the Steady State," Sveriges Riksbank Research Paper No. 19, forthcoming in the Journal of Applied Econometrics.
| ||||||||
stabtest.src |
Computes Hansen's stability test statistics (for individual coefficients,
variance and jointly).
| ||||||||
stampdiags.src | Produces the standard set of diagnostics for a (univariate) state space model used by the STAMP(tm) software. This includes a Q test for serial correlation, Normality test, and Goldfeld-Quandt type heteroscedasticity test.
| ||||||||
stardiagnostics.rpf | Performs diagnostic tests from Eitrheim and Terasvirta(1996), "Testing for the Adequacy of Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models", Journal of Econometrics, vol 74, pp 59-75.
| ||||||||
startest.src |
This does the test for linearity vs an alternative of LSTAR or ESTAR
(smooth transition autoregression).
| ||||||||
stepprobit.src | StepProbit does a backwards stepwise reduction of a probit model, dropping variables as long as the smallest t-statistic is less than the threshold in absolute value.
| ||||||||
stockwat.src |
This procedure is a modification of Stock's procedure to do
Stock-Watson and Dickey-Fuller Unit Root and Time Trend tests.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Stock and Watson(1998), "Median Unbiased Estimation of Coefficient Variance in a Time-Varying Parameter Model," JASA, vol 93, 349-358.
| ||||||||
structresids.src | Converts standard VAR residuals into structural innovations.
| ||||||||
sur.rpf | Demonstrate SUR (seemingly unrelated regression) estimation using the instruction SUR.
| ||||||||
surgat.src | SURGAT (Seasonal Unit Roots Graphical Analysis and Testing device) is a menu-driven program to help in the analysis of the seasonal component and the trend of a (quarterly, monthly or annual) time series. This program is originally written by Ignacio D¡az-Emparanza with the collaboration of Rosa Cao and Lander Ibarra. Requires SPECTRUM.SRC and LAGSELEC.SRC procedure files.
| ||||||||
surgibbssetup.src | This is a collection of procedures for setting up a Gibbs sampler for a (linear) SUR, such as a near-VAR. An example and a further explanation are provided in the "Bayesian Econometrics" workbook.
| ||||||||
sv.rpf | Demonstrates quasi-maximum likelihood estimation of a stochastic volatility model using the instruction DLM.
| ||||||||
svar.src | Procedure for estimating the parameters for a structural VAR. By Giannini, Lanzarotti, and Seghelini, based on Giannini's monograph entitled "Topics in Structural VAR Econometrics". An example program using SVAR.SRC and VMA.SRC, called SVAREXAM.PRG, is also available. This requires the data file ITALY.RAT.
| ||||||||
swamy.rpf | Demonstrates estimation of a linear model in panel data using Swamy's matrix weighted average. See also swamy.src, which is the same calculation converted into a procedure.
| ||||||||
swamy.src |
Computes a GLS matrix weighted estimator for a panel data set.
For an example, see swamy.prg. meangroup.src does a similar estimator, but uses
simple weighted average rather than a matrix-weighted average.
| ||||||||
swarch.rpf | Demonstrates estimation of a Markov switching ARCH model. Hamilton and Susmel (1994), "Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity and Changes in Regime", Journal of Econometrics, vol. 64, pp 307-33.
| ||||||||
swdols.src |
Estimates cointegrating vectors using Stock and Watson's dynamic OLS.
| ||||||||
switch.src | Estimates by maximum-likelihood the switch point in a Goldfeld-Quandt switching regression model.
| ||||||||
swtrends.src |
Stock-Watson test for cointegration rank via common trends.
| ||||||||
tar.src |
Estimates a self-exciting threshold autoregression, and computes asymptotic
p-values for tests for the threshold effect.
| ||||||||
tarmodels.rpf |
Example of estimation of a STAR Model.
| |||||||| | Replication programs for Terasvirta(1994), "Specification, Estimation and Evaluation of Smooth Transition Autoregressive Models", JASA, vol 89, pp 208-218. Demonstrates the procedures startest.src, yulelags.src, and lagpolyroots.src.
| ||||||||
threshtest.src | Tests for a break in a linear regression based upon a threshold variable. Bruce E. Hansen, "Inference in TAR models", Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics,(1997).
| ||||||||
tlookup.src | TLOOKUP.SRC provides a procedure for doing table lookups. Given an Nx2 table containing and index column and a column of corresponding values (such as a table of degrees of freedom and corresponding critical values), the procedure returns the value corresponding to a requested index (it will interpolate the value if necessary).
| ||||||||
tobit.rpf | Demonstrates estimation of standard tobit and two-step tobit models for dealing with censored or truncated data. Uses the instructions LDV and PRJ with the MILLS option.
| ||||||||
triples.src |
Implements the "Triples" test for asymmetry.
| |||||||| |
Replication file for Tsay (1998), "Testing and Modeling Multivariate
Threshold Models", J. of American Statistical Assn, vol. 93, no. 443,
| ||||||||
tsaynltest.src |
TsayNLTest does the Tsay Ori-F test for neglected non-linearities in an
autoregression. Optionally, it can do the LST variant (which tests more
specifically against STAR).
| ||||||||
tsaytest.src |
Does a Tsay arranged regression test for the presence of threshold autoregression
(TAR). Demonstrates the instruction KALMAN with the ADD option to add observations
to a regression out of time sequence.
| ||||||||
tsecctest.src |
Does the Tse LM test for constant correlation. This must follow estimation of a
constant correlation model.
| |||||||| | This contains an example program and data file for implementing Tse's LM test for constant correlation in a multivariate GARCH model. The program replicates the results from the article: Tse, Y.K.(2000), "A Test for Constant Correlations in a Multivariate GARCH Model", Journal of Econometrics, 98, pp. 107-127.
| ||||||||
tvarset.rpf | Example of use of @TVARSET procedure and time-varying coefficient estimation for a VAR.
| ||||||||
tvarset.src | TVARSET sets up a time-varying parameters VAR system for estimation using the Kalman filter. As written, it is based upon the simple symmetric Bayesian VAR prior, with the time-variation proportional to the initial covariance matrix.
| ||||||||
tvarying.rpf | Demonstrates time-varying coefficients estimation of a VAR with search over space of hyperparameters.
| ||||||||
uforeerrors.src | Computes error statistics on a series of in-sample one-step forecasts.
| ||||||||
uhligfuncs.src | This is a pair of functions for simplifying the specification of sign-constrained impulse response functions. One is to implement the rejection method; the other calculates the penalty function, as described in Uhlig(2005), "What are the effects of monetary policy on output? Results from an agnostic identification procedure", Journal of Monetary Economics, 52, pp 381-419. You should look at the replication files for that paper to see how these are used.
| ||||||||
uhligfuncssd.src |
This is a pair of functions for simplifying the specification of sign-constrained impulse response functions.
One is to implement the rejection method; the other calculates the penalty function, as described in
Uhlig(2005), "What are the effects of monetary policy on output? Results from an agnostic identification procedure",
Journal of Monetary Economics, 52, pp 381-419. You should look at the replication files for that paper to see how these are used.
| |||||||| | Three programs replicating VAR identification of impulse responses with sign restrictions from Uhlig(2005), "What are the effects of monetary policy on output? Results from an agnostic identification procedure", Journal of Monetary Economics, vol 52, pp. 381-419.
| ||||||||
uniformparms.src | Returns a 2-vector with the two parameters (lower and upper bounds) for a uniform distribution with the given mean and standard deviation.
| ||||||||
union.rpf | Demonstrates various techniques for analyzing predicted probabilities in a probit model. Makes use of the instruction PRJ for calculating the predictions and SCATTER for graphing the effects.
| ||||||||
uniquevalues.src | Returns a vector of sorted unique values for a series.
| ||||||||
unitroot.rpf | Examples of unit root testing, demonstrating Dickey-Fuller, Phillips-Perron, Schmidt-Phillips and ERS and KPSS tests.
| ||||||||
unitroot.src | One of several variations on Dickey-Fuller and Phillips Perron unit root tests witten by Francisco Goerlich.
| ||||||||
unitrootbreak.rpf | Example of unit root tests with breaks
| ||||||||
uradf.src | For basic ADF (Augmented Dickey-Fuller) tests, we recommend Norman Morin's URADF.SRC procedure. This performs Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root tests, and includes AIC and BIC searches for appropriate lag length and more .
| ||||||||
urauto.src | One of several variations on Dickey-Fuller and Phillips Perron unit root tests witten by Francisco Goerlich.
| ||||||||
ursb.src |
Performs the Sargan-Bhargava unit root test.
| ||||||||
urtt.src | One of several variations on Dickey-Fuller and Phillips Perron unit root tests witten by Francisco Goerlich.
| ||||||||
urttopp.src | One of several variations on Dickey-Fuller and Phillips Perron unit root tests witten by Francisco Goerlich.
| ||||||||
var.src | VAR.SRC is a sophisticated, menu-driven procedure for selecting, estimating, and evaluating VAR models. Written by Norman Morin. This procedure makes it easy to graph autocorrelations of your data, test for lag length, do Wald tests on coefficient restrictions and on the Variance/Covariance matrix, test residuals for serial correlation, ARCH, normality (including Jarque-Bera), compute the sum of the Vector Moving Average coefficients, display the VMA representation coefficients, do impulse response analysis using a variety of decompositions, compute forecast error variance decomposition, and compute bootstrapped standard errors for impulse responses. Includes support for the Blanchard + Quah decomposition for IRFs. If you are using RATS Version 4.20 or later, download VAR.SRC. If you are using 4.00 through 4.10, download VAR400.SRC. VAR400 offers most of the same features as VAR, but with a less user-friendly interface due to lack of USERMENU instructions, etc. Also, please note that the 4.0 versions are not being updated, and thus do not include Blanchard-Quah and other recent additions.
| ||||||||
varbootsetup.src | This is a pair of procedures for setting up and realizing bootstrap replications for a VAR.
| ||||||||
varcalc.src | VARCalc does a direct calculation of a VAR.
| ||||||||
varcause.rpf | Demonstrates block causality (exogeneity) tests in a VAR. Uses the instruction RATIO.
| ||||||||
varfpe.src | Computes minimum FPE representation for the equations in a VAR.
| ||||||||
varfromdlm.src | Generates a VAR representation for a selection of variables from a stationary DLM (state-space model).
| ||||||||
vargarchsimulate.rpf | Example of simulation of a VAR-GARCH process. Includes calculation of error statistics on forecasts of the mean (for illustration; it's not a good idea in the presence of GARCH errors).
| ||||||||
varimax.src | VARIMAX rotates a set of factor loadings (previously computed) using the varimax criterion.
| ||||||||
varirf.src | This organizes the graphs of an impulse response function from an already estimated VAR.
| ||||||||
varirfdelta.src | Computes the covariance matrix of the IRF to a fixed shock using the delta method.
| ||||||||
varlag.rpf | Demonstrates several methods for choosing lag length in a VAR. Among them are LR tests on blocks of lags, general-to-specific lag length testing, and Akaike and Schwarz information criteria. Demonstrates the RATIO instruction and the VARLagSelect procedure.
| ||||||||
varlagmd.src | Contains the procedure VARLagModel, which computes the NxN matrix of sums of the lag coefficients in the (I-A(L))y(t)=u(t) representation of a VAR model. This is the same matrix which ESTIMATE generates as 0X0P+0RLAGSUMS, but can be used when the coefficients have been reset as part of a Monte Carlo procedure.
| ||||||||
varlagselect.src | VARLagSelect chooses the lag length which minimizes one of the information criteria.
| ||||||||
varmadlm.src | VARMADLM.SRC includes two setup routines for estimating or analyzing a vector ARMA model using the RATS instruction DLM.
| ||||||||
varmagarch.rpf | Example of multivariate VAR and VARMA (mean model) GARCH models
| ||||||||
varspectrum.src | Returns the estimated multivariate spectrum from a VAR given by the the combination of model and sigma. It returns in its third argument a series of complex matrices.
| ||||||||
varstability.rpf | Example of a Nyblom fluctuations test applied to a VAR
| ||||||||
vecmcause.rpf | Example of testing for causality and long-run causality in a VECM
| ||||||||
vecmgarch.rpf | Example of some of the calculations done in Pardo and Torro(2007), "Trading with asymmetric volatility spillovers", JBFA, vol. 34(9-10), 1548-1568, applied to a different data set.
| ||||||||
vma.src | Procedure for computing impulse response functions and forecast error variance decomposition for structural VAR's (requires SVAR.SRC procedure described above). By Giannini, Lanzarotti, and Seghelini. An example program using SVAR.SRC and VMA.SRC, called SVAREXAM.PRG, is also available. This requires the data file ITALY.RAT.
| ||||||||
vratio.src | Implements the variance ratio unit root test procedure as outlined in Cochrane (1988), Diebold (1989), and Lo and McKinley (1988). Revised and updated by Estima. (Updated May, 2006: documented DIFF option, corrected problem with NODIFF).
| ||||||||
volatilityestimates.rpf | Shows various methods of estimating volatility from historical data. Methods from Garman, M. B. and M. J. Klass (1980), "On the Estimation of Security Price Volatilities from Historical Data", Journal of Business, vol 53, no 1, pp 67-78.
| |||||||| |
Examples of use of the Bry-Boschan business cycle dating algorithm.
| |||||||| | This zip file contains an example program and the required data and procedure files to reproduce most of the analysis from Watson(1993), "Measures of Fit for Calibrated Models", Journal of Political Economy, vol 101, pp 1011-1041. In addition to demonstrating Watson's measures of fit, it also demonstrates methods for solving DSGE models. Watson uses the popular King, Plosser, and Rebelo model. This demonstrates the procedures ssmspectrum.src, varspectrum.src, and the instruction DSGE (or dsgetool.src for version 6.xx).
| |||||||| | Replication file for West and Cho(1995), "The predictive ability of several models of exchange rate volatility," Journal of Econometrics, vol. 69, no 2, 367-391.
| ||||||||
westchotest.src | Computes the modified Ljung-Box test, robust to heteroscedasticity, proposed in West and Cho(1995), "The predictive ability of several models of exchange rate volatility," Journal of Econometrics, vol. 69, no 2, 367-391.
| ||||||||
wfractil.src | Contains the procedure "WFRACTILES", which computes fractiles of a set of sample values with weights. This has been made obsolete by the RATS function %WFRACTILES
| ||||||||
white.src | Implements White's 1980 test for heteroscedasticity.
| ||||||||
whittletest.src | Implements the Whittle test for independence of state sequences.
| |||||||| | Replication file for Willinger, Taqqu and Teverovsky(1999), "Stock Market Prices and Long-Range Dependence", Finance and Stochastics, vol 3 pp 1-13. Uses the procedures hurst.src and rsstatistic.src
| |||||||| | This replicates the results in Wright(2000), "Alternative Variance-Ratio Tests Using Ranks and Signs", JBES, vol 18, pp 1-9. It demonstrates the procedure vratio.src.
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wutest.src | WuTest performs a Wu specification test on a regression just estimated by instrumental variables. Because it works off the last regression, there are no parameters.
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wzsampler.rpf | This uses the Waggoner-Zha(2003) sampler, "A Gibbs sampler for structural vector autoregressions," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 28(2), 349–366 to analyze a structural VAR.
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yulelags.src | YuleLags computes an information criterion for various lags of AR processes using the Yule-Walker estimates based upon the sample covariances. Use the newer ARAutoLags procedure instead.
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yulevar.src | This estimates a VAR on stationary data using the Yule-Walker equations.
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zivot.src |
Zivot and Andrews unit root test. Allows for a single break in the intercept,
the trend or both.