RATS is our econometrics software package. Please see the RATS page for details or our RATS Brochure for information on RATS. The brochure also includes information on the CATS cointegration analysis package and our econometric textbook and database offerings.
CATS is a sophisticated menu-driven RATS procedure for Cointegration analysis and testing. Note that you must have the RATS software in order to use CATS.
If you need greater detail on how to use RATS for a particular topic (such as Vector Autoregressions or State-Space Models), we offer web or e-mail based courses. See Courses and Seminars for our current offerings. We also can provide in-person training seminars.
We offer two economic databases: US data from Haver Analytics, and the OECD's Main Economic Indicators database of international data.
Estima is pleased to offer for sale several selected Econometrics Texts.
We are also pleased to make available Walter Enders' "e-book", the RATS Programming Manual free of charge.
Estima also develops and sells the WinTD chess tournament pairing software.
If you are just looking for a price, you may want to see our Comprehensive Price List, which includes prices for almost all of our products.
The following order forms are in Adobe PDF format and can be used for mail/fax orders or for generating purchase orders: